I really need help in choosing electric guitar

heya folks, feels kinda weird to post in here cause i'm usually lurking in between AET section and Moving Train.
But i really need your help people, i need to buy electric guitar, and i don't know which one to buy, i've just learned the basic components which make up electric guitar, but i still don't know which one would be good for me.
ok, to give you an idea of what i want: i want guitar to have as many functions as it can, i want to play blues and grunge/metal songs on it, i want something for a reasonable price ( i.e not too cheap not too expensive ), i don't care about how it looks, what it can do and the sounds it can produce is more important to me. erm.....and that's it,
so what would you suggest to me Epiphone, or Gretsch or Fender....??
But i really need your help people, i need to buy electric guitar, and i don't know which one to buy, i've just learned the basic components which make up electric guitar, but i still don't know which one would be good for me.
ok, to give you an idea of what i want: i want guitar to have as many functions as it can, i want to play blues and grunge/metal songs on it, i want something for a reasonable price ( i.e not too cheap not too expensive ), i don't care about how it looks, what it can do and the sounds it can produce is more important to me. erm.....and that's it,
so what would you suggest to me Epiphone, or Gretsch or Fender....??
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my budget would be around £150...?( which is around $300 for you) i can pay slightly more....
but would prefer something which will cost less of course
I would have said Squier Strat package, but that's not going to cover your metal needs very well.
Actually, this LP Package would be a little more, but worth the extra bit IMO.
(I understand it's Euros. I just don't know many music gear sites)
aww, thank you! for all this information.
In that case, I'd try out some Epiphone and Ibanez models until you find one that suits you best in your price range. Those will cover all the sounds you're looking for and will most likely be the best crafted. Make sure you get to play the guitar before you buy it. Quality control is an issue with most major guitar companies. For example, the one you order online may not play and feel as good as the one you try in the store.
Schecter also has some nice low to mid range guitars.
yep, i was thinking of buying it from a store and checking how it sounds before buying....the trouble is majority of guitars look amazing!! and my eyes go in all directions, that's why i want to know particular makes i should go for...to simplify my search.
i definitely want humbucker pick ups and tremolo arm
and as far as practice amps go you can get them pretty cheap
-my dad after hearing Not for You for the first time on SNL .
(HB's with coil taps), you'll have a guitar that'll do a lot for fairly cheap $$$.
- I could build you a kick ass guitar, but it'd be a bit more than that (around
$550 + $70 for a hard case + shipping to London).
Cheers . . .
- Ian
<b><font color="red">CONTACT ME HERE</font>: www.myspace.com/ianvomsaal</b>
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i JUST DIDI AN ENTRY ELVEL GUITAR SHOP for my young student for his Xmas pressie, and I selected a Schecter Demon 6 for him based on teh following features
24 frets- really important for metal or Slash solos
good upper fret access
stoptail bridge - much better than a trem bridge for tuning stability and changing tunings
good pups
really nice neck
funky satin black finish, won't date or look gaudy later
great price
They do a similar version with a licensed Floyd Rose Tremolo, but TBH, I think they are more hassle than they are worth. A MASSIVE time- consuming pain to make the simplest tuning change. If you have enough guitars to have one dedicated to a trem , that's OK, but if it's your only git, I strogly advise to go stop-tail. I only have one guitar with a floating trem, and it's always in Eb, cos that's teh most used tuning for that style, for the songs I play.
All my others are stoptails, so I can go to drop D or D standard or open tuning etc, wihtout any hassle. A Bigsby is easy enough to change tunings on too, but iit's a lot of hardware for a little waggle.
im not big into metal so fender is great by me. the heaviest stuff i listen to is aic and early danzig, which both are just heavier versions of blues really. but dont over look fenders....... give them a shot while looking around.
just dont rush into anything. youll find exactly want youre looking for, if its reasonable, if you stay patient. there are like a bazillion different guitars out there.
thank you, but upgrade sounds like a lot of work. as for custom build then i'll pass on that for now.
Just buy some pickups and a different pickguard - now wire them in and screw the new pickguard on.
If you can solder it'll take all of about 10-15-minutes - if not a guitar tech can do it for like $25.
- Ian
<b><font color="red">CONTACT ME HERE</font>: www.myspace.com/ianvomsaal</b>
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I was there in June for the Wembley show and one day we took a walk around on Denver Street, which was,,,,somewhere. Man, I forget what stop, but I think it was Waterloo. I'll look it up and get back to you.
But anyway, there was a street full of music shops, with all kinds of guitars. It would be worth a look, because you can sit down with all kinds of different ones and maybe one will strike your fancy. You may be able to pick up a used one, too. I saw some pretty decent deals and the prices weren't too bad. Well, for someone without American dollars, anyway.
Like Ian says, it IS easy to upgrade pickups. If you find a solid guitar that fits you,and play it for a while, then when you find what style and sound you're into, then you can upgrade later.
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
Denmark Street!
There was a whole row of music shops right around there
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
aw, thank you!
As for Denmark Street, then what kind of a music loving Londoner whould i be if i didn't know this place?! that's where i'm going to go shopping for my guitar.
and sorry for replying so late, i've been busy lately