playing guitar after...10? years?

I wasn't very good back then either...
any suggestions on what to start with? should I try to play some songs or should I start with just exercises and whatnot?
any suggestions on what to start with? should I try to play some songs or should I start with just exercises and whatnot?
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You also need to practice, that's the only way you get better.
Once you play your first song you'll be hooked and it'll all be downhill after that.
well I took 6 years of lessons as a teenager. I don't want to take any lessons now cuz I don't have the $$$.
A, Am, C, D, Dm, E, Em, F, G
you can play approximately 10 trillion songs using just these chords
the chords i left out (B, Bm, etc) are barre chords and harder to play.....stick to these for now
Touche. I guess it just comes down to what you feel comfortable with. I think once you get the proper technique down, though, it makes things easier with playing songs. That's just my opinion though.
There are probably a lot better players on here than me that could give you some good advice. You can't go wrong with the people on this board. Very helpful and knowledgeable.
I have all the stuff from my old lessons as a kid, I just don't know what I should do first.
actually, I shouldn't do it at all maybe. I was really, really bad. it takes too much patience and concentration- I never played a song all the way through because I start over whenever I screw up (I'm a perfectionist). Maybe it will make me too nervous. Maybe this was a stupid idea...
It's never a stupid idea. The whole thing is to get through a whole song even if you screw up. Most people don't know the difference.
Stuff had the right idea. Once you know those cords you can play countless songs.
GTD, do you really WANT to play? No one here can make you want it. Playing guitar is not like learning to ride a bike. It's lots of hard work, lots of practice and you need to be passionate about it, because no one ever just picked up a guitar and was awesome straight away, No one.
Confidence comes with practice and believing in yourself. Send me a PM if you are interested and i can help you with excercises and things to start off. It doesn't have to be hard, but you do have to be committed.
If you really want to learn, then i am more than happy to help you. Stay positive and work hard and you will get there!
I don't know, but I do I know I am 30 years old and I can't do ANYTHING, I need to learn how to do something. I just know I couldn't do it before, after trying for many years, and I am bad at small motor skills, details, patience, and I don't understand music very well. also, I'm not sure what the point of it would be, since I'm not about to go join a band or play in front of anyone at my age.
maybe guitar is not for about drums, harmonica, or even singing? or getting into recording music? playing bongos at open mic nights?
if you have an interest in music maybe there is somewthing else that would be a better fit
but of course, you can stick with guitar as a hobby, just don't let it get you so frustrated that you end up hating it
Yeah after so many years of lessons, I couldn't make sound come out of barre chords. I would just sit there for hours for years trying make some damn sound come out! It was so frustrating, because I couldn't play any songs that include barre chords, which is pretty much all of them! I am just hoping that somehow I am different now than I was between the ages of 14 and 21...maybe I am magically better??
I've often thought of drums (not as many fine motor skills involved, more active, and I have decent rhythm), but they are pretty much out. 1) what's the point of playing drums if you're not in a band and 2) even if I could eventually procure a kit, my whole neighborhood would hate me! I've thought of singing too, but for that I'd NEED lessons but they are EXPENSIVE and it's REALLY hard to find a truly legit voice teacher who would take someone off the street who just wanted to sing for fun.
I'm 30, I don't play in a band and I don't think I'll ever play in one. I have about $5000.00 worth of gear in my living room. If I had the dough I'd go buy myself a $3000 guitar. Tell me that's not insane. LOL. I came home and played for an hour tonight. It's a good way to get rid of stress.
PJ Gurl is right, you really have to want to do it. The thing though is once you get going and get better you find yourself wanting to play more and more. It's like a snowball effect.
It's kind of cool to know how to do something that your friends don't know how to do. I was hanging with a few of my friends and I was playing Alive and one of them thought it was the coolest thing that I could actually play a song that we both liked. It's also cool to play and have a bunch of people sing along with you. Very cool.
I think the whole point of it is satisfying yourself. It's frustrating at first but as you play more you get better and better. It's worth it.
It's interesting to hear this last sentence. one thing I always had trouble with was just having to listen to myself play badly when I could just turn on the stereo and hear someone else play the song correctly. How does one get past that?
oh and also, I find it interesting you say it relieves stress. I think I've always wanted to play because I hope it will have this effect. but I know that as a kid, it used to stress me out to no end (I came extremely close to smashing some very expensive guitars...)
This is what I was going to do, but I'm afraid I'll procrastinate. what should I use as goals if I don't have a lesson every week?
Don't expect perfection. Everyone screws up and plays badly. You're not going to hit every single note everytime. The more you play the better you get to start sounding like what you want. Everyone is bad when they start, you just have to ignore it and keep playing.
I find it a stress relief because I like to come home and play for an hour to detox from the day. I kind of just zone out and play and I forget about the trials of the day.
Now you don't want to smash your guitar. One of my friends dropped my Les Paul Studio once and I almost punched him in the face.
Most of us don't play in bands, and the few who do probably have no illusions about the importance in the big picture, but do it as part of their playing, not the sole reason.
Get a grip man, either play or don't play.
If you play, accept that it will be hard work, and you might still wind up crap.
I can't boast any great skill, but it's on my terms and I'm content with that.
I created this chart for all my students - these are my
favorite fingerings (because I feel they sound the best).
Here you go, just print this out: click: CHORDS
Cheers . . .
- Ian
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teaching myself at 35
you got 5 yrs on me
Drop drop dropping it down...oh so gently...
Well here it comes...I touch the plane...
Turn me up...won't turn you away...
my bro has been playing for 25 yrs and as far as i know he has never played with a group
shit he only plays to his family
Drop drop dropping it down...oh so gently...
Well here it comes...I touch the plane...
Turn me up...won't turn you away... and I sound alike. I'm 34, have two les pauls and will probably never play in front of people besides friends. But I play every single day and kinda wig out if I don't. After two years of it I'm hooked and still go to my instructor every friday.
You gotta be passionate about it...
Tell me about it. Same way. I have a lesson today, actually. I have to get better at my lead work. My rhythm work isn't too bad.
My girlfriend gives me the death ray look when I tell her it'll be a tough choice between buying her engagement ring or a Les Paul 57 Gold Top.