A Session Guitarists Rebuttal - Whats Happening To This Forum?

I typically have to deal with a bunch of whinny musicians on most of the days that I'm in the studio, and I usually
come to this forum to relax, maybe blow off some steam, and chat with reasonably nice folks about gear and what-not.
This forum has kind of pissed me off lately ("PJ Gurls" not the only one on this Forum that this has happened to).
I've ALSO received a few messages from people that I've never seen on this "Musicians and Gearheads" forum (basically
calling me out, or telling me that I'm full of shit about doing what I do, or about me being a session artist, etc, etc,
from people that don't seem to have anything else better to do with their time than try to start an argument).
I honestly don't have to be here (I choose to be), and I'm about done with the blatant contentious posts from people
on here that just seem to be looking to start an argument (is it me, or does this seem to be happening a lot lately).
Anyhow, I think I might take a break from this site for a while (maybe wait these jerks out, and possibly come back in
a month or so when they've moved on, or hopefully been banned from the forum after they piss enough people off).
Cheers . . .
- Ian C.T. vom Saal
I typically have to deal with a bunch of whinny musicians on most of the days that I'm in the studio, and I usually
come to this forum to relax, maybe blow off some steam, and chat with reasonably nice folks about gear and what-not.
This forum has kind of pissed me off lately ("PJ Gurls" not the only one on this Forum that this has happened to).
I've ALSO received a few messages from people that I've never seen on this "Musicians and Gearheads" forum (basically
calling me out, or telling me that I'm full of shit about doing what I do, or about me being a session artist, etc, etc,
from people that don't seem to have anything else better to do with their time than try to start an argument).
I honestly don't have to be here (I choose to be), and I'm about done with the blatant contentious posts from people
on here that just seem to be looking to start an argument (is it me, or does this seem to be happening a lot lately).
Anyhow, I think I might take a break from this site for a while (maybe wait these jerks out, and possibly come back in
a month or so when they've moved on, or hopefully been banned from the forum after they piss enough people off).
Cheers . . .
- Ian C.T. vom Saal
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<b><font color="red">CONTACT ME HERE</font>: www.myspace.com/ianvomsaal</b>
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<b><font color="red">CONTACT ME HERE</font>: www.myspace.com/ianvomsaal</b>
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Post edited by Unknown User on
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
I think the key point is that the ignorant posts and PM's are coming from people that don't ever post on this section of the forum. So I say f*ck 'em. We all know each other here and back each other up when necessary (as PJ_Gurl did for you, and a bunch of people once did for her when she got called out on something a while back). We're like a community. When unwanted people come in, we have the power to run them out by ganging up on them. Negativity usually gets noticed and dealt with in forums.
I won't lie... I get tired of the M&G section sometimes. You could tell when I recently responded to the "Show your equipment" thread to "Please use the search function" that it was finally getting to me. I feel like every other day, I see a new thread about whether to get an Epi LP or Fender Strat, or What order to put pedals in, or 3 robot guitar threads in 2 weeks, or What songs does Mike play a strat/Lp on? BY THE WAY, I DON'T MEAN TO OFFEND ANY OF THE PEOPLE THAT STARTED THESE THREADS. It just becomes redundant. I'm equally as guilty. My escape = TheGearPage. I read a lot more there than I post.
All in all, we respect each other and appreciate the input that we give each other. For what it's worth Ian, I don't doubt you, and I don't think many of the normal guys (and gals
Thanks for all the love, help, support, advice over the last 18 months. You guys are awesome.
This board is still probably the chillest part of the forum though.
that's an awesome post, you said it all right there.
i defended ian earlier this week because, as a regular reader/poster in this forum, i see and appreciate the huge contribution he makes. it will be our loss if he does take a break.
when i read spencers reply to my post in the session guitarist thread,
'Just because Ian might be a phenomenal guitarist (I wouldn't know, I haven't listened to the samples but I'm happy to take your word for it), doesn't really prove much - nor does the fact that I don't post in this forum very often..
i realized that he didn't want to share in ian's talents and knowledge the same way a lot of us here do. and that's ok. for every one of him that don't there is prolly 50 that do. i realized my post to him was pointless. he was never gonna check out his myspace or listen to his tunes. i'm still a bit intrigued as to why he would 'take my word for it' but not ian's though. that confused me.
note to all the negative people...go fascinate someone else.
that is all.
Although I see some of our usuals over there, I typically ask them the questions on here
I see Pac, enharmonic, JofZ....I'm more of a linger over there but the info is there!
Then again most of the regulars don't really seem to be around much any more. I don't post that much, but man it seems like I'll come on once a week and there is nothing new on here.