Playing Betterman out tonight.

I'm pretty excited. We got a last minute call to fill in at a band promotion night tonight, just a half hour set, and Betterman made the cut.
This will be my first time playing a PJ song out.
Wish me luck !! I'm gonna need it. WE are doing a bunch of neew stuff for us, and I'm solid on somer of it, but feel a bit thaky on some too. Never mind, no-one is going to lose an eye. They have chicken wire !!
This will be my first time playing a PJ song out.
Wish me luck !! I'm gonna need it. WE are doing a bunch of neew stuff for us, and I'm solid on somer of it, but feel a bit thaky on some too. Never mind, no-one is going to lose an eye. They have chicken wire !!
Music is not a competetion.
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Thanks for the reminder to take it slow, I'll do that.
Yeah, when I read Jam10's post, I could see me rushing it, so I really appreciated the tip. I play the intro by myself, as per Ed, so I have the chance to slow things down and set the pace.
I'll take that as a general reminder to Breathe !!
Ironic, as we'll be doing Harder to Breathe first, followed by Betterman.
I'm pretty chill about most of the list, but Are You Going My Way by Lenny Kravitz is a bit tiring for me, and I'm still winging the solo. I have the first half down, but the second half is still a work in progress. Ah well, wheedle, wheedle, here we come !!
I turned up early, and wandered up to check out the stage set-up. The guy who runs it came up, and as a greeting, started ranting about needing to turn amps down and stage volume etc. I nearly just bailed at that point.
Anyway, we wanted to be on first, so we could have an early night, so as soon as we were all there, we set up and started.
I didn't turn up too loud, to appease the dude, and consequently, as soon as the drummer kicked in, I could barely hear myself.
Played Betterman second, and did OK. I remembered to slow down and breathe and I played it OK, but I was not buzzing.
I realised that I had too many clean tone songs, and I'm not really a clean tone player. I would have been happier with a gritty or overdriven tone.
I was really woprried about the lst song, the Lenny Kravitz, but once the distortion was on, I was happier, and played well, even cruised through the solo easily.
I think that will be my last band thing for a while. head is not in the right place, and I want to go back to music being a release, not a pressure.
The drummer's play to loud which in turn makes the guitarist play too loud etc...
Yeah, no argument there, but I was TOO low, and I kinda resented the guy digging me, cos I have played there a few times, and not once been guilty of turning up too loud. And I had a fold-back, but was not getting enough of myself through that. It's the kinda of multi-band night, where you get a few minutes to set up, with no sound check. What I should have done, was plug a pedal board into a clean channel. But I don't have a dirt pedal, cos I don't usually need one.
I went after work, and didn't want Lola sitting in teh car all day, so I left her at home. I would have been much happer playing the clean stuff through her.
Anyway, no-one lost an eye, and I learnt from it, that's the main thing.
Ps.. Did you use your new baby?
Yeah, I did, but I really should have taken Lola for Betterman. I really missed the feel and the tone she would have given me. I really cocked up the amp settings, but I couldn't test them. The blue goddess, Cleo, did a good job wiht everything else though.
I know, but hey, we all do it.
Na, I don't think you've mentioned liking Lola before.
I'm always a bit confused about where you live. Sometimes I think Oz, but then you talk about being in places in the US.
If it's the USA, you really have to catch Joe Bonamassa, then you will see R9's just like Lola having the snot played out of them.
Joe Bonamassa is one cool monkey. Very very cool.
There ya go, had to be something like that.
There is a neat thread on the gear page at present showing some of Joe's gear from his current tour.
I'm starting to GAS for a Carol-Ann amp, probably a Tucana.
I want to finish my music room first though, and lose some winter poundage, so it can wait. More gear will not make my life better at this point.