My Religious Studies Professor
My professor likes to play music videos of songs he thinks he can relate to religion. He says everything can relate to religion... and he might be right.
He played GTF during class yesterday, and I had totally mixed feelings. He was asking us to try and relate the song/video (it was a live version) to these 5 stages of ritual.
Someone said that the band is a ritual because people prepare for the show by buying the albums and the merchandise and listening to the music. Then going to the show and jumping up and down almose in a ritualistic mannor. I might agree with this statement.
I raised my hand to comment. I said that I had been a fan for about 5 years and had never compared Pearl Jam to religion before, but I would have to say GTF is related to ritual with salvation. That the guy in the song finds salvation and is given to fly. I don't fuckin know. The interesting part of the story is how my professor managed to really make my fuckin day. He totally said all that I needed to hear to make my little bit of anger going away for me thinking that he was trying to say GTF had a religious message from Eddie Vedder. He said that he, "was not trying to say this song was about religion..although some of us may think that Eddie Vedder is a God. I think Eddie Vedder is a God."
WOW. Pretty awesome right? So has anyone else thought about comparing Pearl Jam to religion before? Or taken them religiously...?
I'm not sure how I feel about it really. I've been a huge PJ fan since I was 16, and I used to post on this board every fuckin day and I just wanna add that I am glad to be back on here.
He played GTF during class yesterday, and I had totally mixed feelings. He was asking us to try and relate the song/video (it was a live version) to these 5 stages of ritual.
Someone said that the band is a ritual because people prepare for the show by buying the albums and the merchandise and listening to the music. Then going to the show and jumping up and down almose in a ritualistic mannor. I might agree with this statement.
I raised my hand to comment. I said that I had been a fan for about 5 years and had never compared Pearl Jam to religion before, but I would have to say GTF is related to ritual with salvation. That the guy in the song finds salvation and is given to fly. I don't fuckin know. The interesting part of the story is how my professor managed to really make my fuckin day. He totally said all that I needed to hear to make my little bit of anger going away for me thinking that he was trying to say GTF had a religious message from Eddie Vedder. He said that he, "was not trying to say this song was about religion..although some of us may think that Eddie Vedder is a God. I think Eddie Vedder is a God."
WOW. Pretty awesome right? So has anyone else thought about comparing Pearl Jam to religion before? Or taken them religiously...?
I'm not sure how I feel about it really. I've been a huge PJ fan since I was 16, and I used to post on this board every fuckin day and I just wanna add that I am glad to be back on here.
"I feel the same way about disco as I do herpes" -Hunter S. Thompson
"I feel the same way about disco as I do herpes" -Hunter S. Thompson
Post edited by Unknown User on
Its the only thing that makes sense lol
When im in that crowd, i feel as close to heaven as humanly possible...
what a sweet addiction
My exact thoughts
And no one makes me close my eyes
So I throw the windows wide
And call to you across the sky....
He is who he is by following his true beliefs and religion. Why worship and admire someone who would never do that themself.
Imagine meeting Eddie Vedder at his home and seeing pictures of pete Townsend, Elvis, or Michael Jackson everywhere. Imagine him calling them a god because their MUSIC spoke to them. Being a songwriter who has the same feelings as you doesnt make someone else a god.
If your looking for faith- try a Bible.
i would like to add that, not having any religious beliefs myself, i would say that music, or a certain band can be very close to a religion of sorts to a fan. it requires faithfulness (loyalty if you will) and a sense of commitment that you're not going to blow out at the first disappointment the band hands you. it's a matter of giving and taking. the more a band gives you in music, (live) experiences and even a sense of spirituality, the more you'll be able to give in return, i.e. going to shows, paying for merchandise and simply staying true to this band that has been a big part of your life for however many years.
and like DS said, in the case of Pearl Jam, if a band manages to make such an incredible impact on SO many people for such a long time, the fan community becomes... well... a cult.
hehehehe... i was going to mention that thread and our erm... let's say "animated" discussion, to put it mildly...
"Don't wanna drink the koolaid... i just want to dance .."
- me lol