Bogner Alchemist?

what's the story on this? a Bogner that's widely available and not outrageously expensive? can it possibly be any good?
Post edited by Unknown User on
bogner had created a mass production line made in china. all the high end stuff is now called bogner custom shop or something and made stateside as usual.
It happens to the best of 'em... Bob Keeley and Lindy Fralin are probably next...
the line6 spider valve thing was a good indication something was going to happen.
eventually it will be over there save for the hand-builders.
See, Greg? A couple more kit builds, and you'll be ready to open for business!
pfft. tons of quacks doing that already.
i'd actually love to build amps and pedals for a living but it's a totally saturated market and i don't have the indepth knowledge needed.
Hey, if you could build me a Princeton Reverb, I'd pony up. Well, not right now, but next summer, sure...
I still think the Spyder Valve was a decent idea, but it hurt Bogner waaaay more than it helped him in the long run. With any gear mfg, reputation is the most important part of the business. Fralin, Lollar, Keeley, Fuller, AnalogMan... all those little builders out there, and if it wasn't for a perfect reputation for quality and customer service, they'd all be crushed by RolandUS and Seymour Duncan. This move off-shore will get Bogner a lot more sales, but it will sour the faithfull who ponied up over $3000 for one of his hand-made amps. And, in a few years, Bogner will be Mesa Boogie all over again, and we'll be waiting for the next great amp maker.
can be done. i want to build one for myself to replace the PCB reissue chassis (mind you it sounds great) in mine eventually too but i really need to stop for a while. i've gone rediculous with the the building.
however, building for other people is fine.