Why have the guys been so quiet politically?

Its surprising how little the guys have been involved in speaking about Election 2008 or even speaking about the war and the environment etc… in the last few months.
They recorded a song, minus Ed. The Body of War soundtrack as well, but it seems like that movie and song was ages ago! And Into the Wild the movie and the soundtrack could and probably should be considered political as well, but the band hasn’t done much else in terms of speaking about who they want for president at least this election cycle.
Its most surprising how little Ed has said. He didn’t participate in the Rock around Barack song, so I assume that means the Mike, Matt, Stone, Jeff and Boom support Barack and that Ed doesn’t.
Why do you think its been so quiet politically on the PJ front? This is an election year!
Its surprising not to see Ed out speaking against the status quo and speaking against the 2 party system.
Whats up?
They recorded a song, minus Ed. The Body of War soundtrack as well, but it seems like that movie and song was ages ago! And Into the Wild the movie and the soundtrack could and probably should be considered political as well, but the band hasn’t done much else in terms of speaking about who they want for president at least this election cycle.
Its most surprising how little Ed has said. He didn’t participate in the Rock around Barack song, so I assume that means the Mike, Matt, Stone, Jeff and Boom support Barack and that Ed doesn’t.
Why do you think its been so quiet politically on the PJ front? This is an election year!
Its surprising not to see Ed out speaking against the status quo and speaking against the 2 party system.
Whats up?
Post edited by Unknown User on
PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
I don't like any of them.
I got no dog in the hunt.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
That song does suck
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
"We're running out of beer, too?" EV 6/19/08
s probably conflicted.. support his buddy Nader, or help out the country.
You might have a point there. Maybe he's done some maturing as far as his political involvement is concerned and has grown disenchanted about the whole process.
Have they actually "endorsed" specific candidates in the past or rather spoken out about specific issues (e.g. Iraq)?
But I could be wrong....
no chance of that
activism is a huge part of both EV and the band's philosphy
just too early in the process for them to start spewing
8/7/08, 6/9/09
1. The Dem nominee has yet to be selected
2. George Bush isn't running
Yeah, but I always thought it was the "get the vote out" or "get our troops home" kinda activism. not the candidate 1 over candidate 2 kinda activism.
that is right
except for EV endorsing Nader back in 2000
in time, EV will speak on the matter
the speech at bonnaroo should be interesting
the bigger the crowd, the more I expect EV to say something
this thread sucks.
I think this thread can now end. Thank you.
to the average person i sound like a cynical asshole,but i assure you that's not the case.
ok,now it can end
Why is it that Americans, as soon as they achieve some kind of fame, are no longer allowed to voice an opinion about politics, the environment, etc.?
I thought America was supposed to be the poster child for "democracy"?
I'm not saying this to slag America or Americans, it's just something that I have always wondered. The backlash against the Dixie Chicks was the most frightening example of this kind of intolerance. I've even seen it on this board recently in regards to Ed. Basically it was "shut up and sing."
Aren't people who have achieved some success or fame responsible, if they chose to be, to raise awareness of social or political problems. I'm not saying that they're right, but at least they can spark interest and maybe in some small way make a difference in this large, scary and interesting world.
well let's see.
2000: Pearl Jam supported Ralph Nader. Nader got 97,000 votes in Florida, the decisive state. Bush defeated Gore by 540 votes in Florida, thus winning the electoral college vote and the presidency.
2004: Pearl Jam and others including Dave Matthews and Bruce Springsteen embark on the vote for change tour. unfortunately, they fail to rock Ohio, the decisive state this time around, hard enough and Bush takes the state, and again the electoral college.
2008: Stone Gossard, jealous of the recent golden globe win of you know who, sings lead on an abomination called 'Rock Around Barack' in which they play 'Rock Around the Clock' note for note, word for word but substituting 'Barack' for 'the clock.' Weird Al would smack him upside the head if he ever heard that bushleague attempt.
so yeah, "No Bush '92" on SNL was nice and all but they should probably keep away from politics. they'd be better off taking on ticketmaster again.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
That's what I meant, I'm sorry that it did not come across that way. Just because a person becomes famous doesn't mean that their opinion is any more or less valid than any other persons. It just seems that when one does become famous, especially in the States, that they're told to shut up, like their fame will be too much for the 'ordinary' human being to handle, that they would/could have too much influence on the course of events especially in politics.
Haha. That's great.
1 Ed offers up food for thought,eat if you choose
2 He is passionate about his freedom (as i hope you all are) and worked hard at his craft and uses the forum that all his hard work created for him,to speak his mind (a right we all have but most lack the forum i.e. millions of listeners)
3 Sadly in this day and age people know more about sports/movies/bullshit more than they do about what's going on with their own government(patriot act,military commission act,Rex 84 etc.) so it's a good thing when Ed rattles cages and hopefully inspires you to maybe give two fucks about the future of this country
If only that were true.... Unfortunately the opposite is almost universally true: achieve fame and grab a megaphone on your issue of the day! I say unfortunately because a career of acting, singing or sports does literally nothing to qualify you to "inform" ... you are qualified to "entertain." Debating, teaching, educating are very different art forms from entertaining, imo.
Now that's just broad brush strokes -- there are certainly those with the passion and intelligence to thoroughly educate themselves on their issues and provide a rational debate. PJ seems to be one of those exceptions for the most part, they serve as a conduit for exceedingly informed folks to enage us.
But let me just make a case in point: Tom Cruise.
Should I listen to him about post-partum depression? He's done educated himself on the issue as he done went and told Matt Lauer all about!