For all of you that write & record your material

When writing a new song, do you tend to nitpick over the details or just bang it out? Do you try to finish the song and record it ASAP, or let it ferment and play it a bunch and see what needs fixing over time?
I know some songs burst out and others take a long time to finally get fleshed out, but I have been writing/recording the same song off and on for 2 months. I feel close to being happy with it but I am on the thin line between "being patient and letting it come" and "pulling my hair out". Does there just come a time for you to say screw it, it is good enough as is? Anyone else gone thru this? Any advice?
I know some songs burst out and others take a long time to finally get fleshed out, but I have been writing/recording the same song off and on for 2 months. I feel close to being happy with it but I am on the thin line between "being patient and letting it come" and "pulling my hair out". Does there just come a time for you to say screw it, it is good enough as is? Anyone else gone thru this? Any advice?
I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.
Mitch Hedberg
Mitch Hedberg
Post edited by Unknown User on
Usually I'll come up with the first verse/chords, or a chorus, and jsut let it sit.
when i record, i tend to record tons of tracks (and it takes me lots of takes because i'm usually improvising parts as i go and the last take is just whatever i'm happy with) and then tweak the mix and record new parts / rerecord etc. for a couple of weeks.
but i'm doing this all on my own with a PC so it's not a big deal to do that. i've never been in a studio.
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
but overall, i tend to try to keep the original. i like the raw feeling & energy. but just like everyone else, there have been times when no matter what i do, it just doesn't sound "finished". when that happens, i usually shelve it for a bit and just play the song casually when i'm just playing to play, not record. that way, the pressure's off & my ears become more open to new possibilities within the song.
not sure if that answered your question! but i tried!
Another way I write sometimes is to just record something into Pro Tools, without even thinking about it. Then I'll just keep adding layers of guitars and other instruments until it has morphed into something that I would have never been able to just sit down and write with a guitar.
I generally write the lyrics last. I will transfer my songs into my ipod or a CD and then play them in my car. While I'm driving around I will sing vocal melodies into my handheld recorder. Then I'll sit down with my notebook and try to come up with words that will fit into the melodies that I've developed.
Every once in a while, I'll write the words first and create a song around it... but for the most part, it's the music first. I usually write songs on guitar.. and if I hit a roadblock, I will try tuning the guitar differently. Other times I will start out a song with a cool bassline.. or fuck around with a keyboard... or come up with a good drum beat and layer stuff on top of that. There's so many different ways to write a song.
**edit: I guess I should have quoted the OP so I could have reread the question as I was typing.:o Kind of veered off topic.. but whatever.:D