Critique my band?

39Reasons39Reasons Posts: 16
edited April 2005 in Musicians and Gearheads
If you're absolutley bored to death and have nothing better to do please go here there's three songs they take a minute to load but I am curious to what you think.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • 39Reasons39Reasons Posts: 16
    No news is good news! :-p
  • I'd give you a Jeff to the power of 56 out of Bananas.
  • 39Reasons39Reasons Posts: 16
    Thanks!! :confused: I think..LOL
  • L0L!

    dont mind celly, ITS STONE'S FAULT!

  • enharmonicenharmonic Posts: 1,917
    The music isn't bad at all...could benefit from a producer and a better mix. Some tuning issues, but that is an easy fix. Drummer kills the first track with way too much kick drum. Speaking of the drums...toms go away on rolls. Remix track 1 from the drums up. Big rock songs need driving way too loud. Drum mix is a bit better on song 2. I'm not digging the blatant use of effects...but that's just me and my belief that effects used in the wrong place or in the wrong way kill a song instantly. Put some space into the mix for the vocal. This can be done with a touch of reverb, or a delay mixed well underneath the lead vocal to create a sense of depth in the track. The "Ahhh" at the beginning of garden brings the gay. take it out. He goes form "Ahhh" to a borderline emo vocal with no balls...not cool. The lyrics and melody of this song do nothing for the music, which I think is the best of the drum mix, best guitars (though still too loud)...and plenty of room to work the vocal and a much better melody. That hook should take BAM when the band swings into the hook. Bass emphasis in the bridge is cool. Need a bigger snare sound for this one too.

    Productive criticism of the singer could be touchy. Needs help. Basic vocal quality isn't bad, but the lack of control in his vibrato is killing the performance, as well as the lack of real emotion and quality lyrics. The guy is a diamond in the rough, and if I had to guess, is still getting his legs under him as far as fronting a band and writing lyrics is concerned. He needs to grow into his ability, because right now he's trying way too hard and it's obvious. If I'm way off base about his level of experience, get him some voice lessons (or some better voice lessons) and some good books to read so he'll have something to write about that's worth the listen.

    Overall...Band = B (B+ with better production) Singer = C (based on potential alone. Performance needs lots of work)
  • pretty good... garden is the best song... might want to re-think the title tho... i think some other band that you sound a little bit like may have named one of their songs that.

    all in all, i think you sound good. i agree with the previous post about the vocalist. while not bad, he has a bit of *that* baratone going in some parts. Definetly sounds a lot better when he "pushes" his voice rather then sings baratone, if you know what I mean. The production is good... some killer drum rolls in garden, altho maybe a little too much at some parts. The kick drum does kill the first song.. too loud and too much.

    if you visited a bar near me I'd give ya a listen.
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