what colours are on the rings of the resistors? are they still legible? resistors that usually burn out are mostly power rail resistors that are stand up resistors (longer legs that stick out of the board) they act kinda like fuses and are usually 1r or 10r value. at least in the allen and heath mixing desks i work on.
I'm not saying stupidity should be a capital offence, but what say we take the safety labels off everything and let nature run it's course?
hell ive seen all kinds of resistors burned out. if they are then chances are itll look browned with stripes (whose colors look a variation of brown). dont know if you can find the schematic online or try contacting marshall (good luck with that one)
shame i wouldnt actually recommend many of our products in my opinion apart from the gl4000 cause i work them :P Which are about to be superceded by the gl4800 but dont buy any of them cause then i`ll have to do some work!! and i dont want that happening!
I'm not saying stupidity should be a capital offence, but what say we take the safety labels off everything and let nature run it's course?
you can BUY it there for an astonishing 8 bucks. any chance you still have all the crap they give you when you bought the amp, because the schematics usually come with it. or did you get it used or some shit like that?
are u sure a schematic comes with your amp when u get it? mine didnt. all i got was a book which showed different settings for different sounds on the knobs on the am only.
No one has this schematic that tey can scan for me? if i really have to ill buy it from that link but trying to find it.
Hey guys does anyone own a vs230 marshall? maybe you can just read off to me the values (color stripes) of the R10 and R13 resistors which are on the board near the back of the amp.
I ordered a schematic over 5 weeks ago from Schematic connection and i am still waiting for it.
I really want to fix my amp and not have it sit around.
I have a Marshall VS230 Amplifier and low and behold I have some of the same issues. Marshall is absolutely no help at all. So to whoever cares I have some information about this amp. First of all I noticed a loud buzz all the time and very little sound coming from the left speaker. Since it is out of warranty and there are no service centers near me I am going to fix the thing myself, I hope. Here is the deal with my amp. I opened it up and discovered resistor R10 is smoked. Also the audio amp IC2 is smoked also. It is one of the 2 transistors that has a large black heat sink attached to it. The first thing I did is I pushed in on the metal clip and with a small screwdriver I forced the hook out to get it free and took the clip off. Now I desoldered the 2 anchor pins on the heat sink to free it from the board. It also has double sided tape holding also. This part IC2 is made by ST and is a TDA2050 and it cost about $4.00. It is available from Digikey and they are online. Ok now for the resistor I have done some digging on this and to the best of my knowledge it is 120 ohm resistor. Now, to get that, you find the tolerance band which is usually Gold or Silver. 5% or 10 %. Ok, the bands, as best I can determine are Gold, Brown, Red, Brown. Now you start at the opposite end from the tolerance band and the first color is Brown, which is a 1, write that number down. Next color is red, which is 2, write that number down to the right of the 1. That gives you 12. Now the next band is called the multiplier. It is Brown which is 1. This is the number of zeros you add to the end of 12 you wrote down. Now you have 120, which means it is a 120 ohm resistor. The type of resistor is carbon-film type as best I have been able to determine. Beige is usually carbon-film and light blues are usually metal-film resistors. If you have a resistor burned like this make sure you check everything especially the audio power amplifiers IC2 and IC1 and make sure they are not burned up. Having the board V230-61-00 out and you are facing the headphone jack, the DI's are to your right and the large capacitors are to the left. Ok, the large heatsink on the left is attached to the audio amplifier IC1 and the right is IC2. I have checked Digikey and the total cost to replace these 2 components is about $6.00 not including shipping. I am now awaiting response from Marshall to find out if I can get a new board V230-61-00 and if they don't give me any help I am going to order these parts and replace them myself and then test it before I put this stuff back together. Hope this helps. You can do a search for Digikey and also you can also do a search for resistor color codes and find out the information you need about the resistors. I have had no luck on getting any diagrams or any information from Marshall. And my amp. did not come with anything accept a pedal. No diagrams or schematics.
Obviously this is an old thread, but quite usefull. I have the same problem IC1 and IC2 are burned up. I had the chassis out when it happened and saw the whole thing. First they started glowing then... pop!
I have a schematic and am have found the parts at Mouser. Just wonderin if any of the others have got theirs fixed?
Been some time since I checked this thread. Glad to see some additional information was added to it. I ended up taking my amp out and having it fixed. Works ok since then, but on the clear channel still has some noise, its not 100% clear. I never opened it up again since getting it repaired, probably going on 7 years now.
What a shameless name-dropper.
shame i wouldnt actually recommend many of our products in my opinion
you can BUY it there for an astonishing 8 bucks. any chance you still have all the crap they give you when you bought the amp, because the schematics usually come with it. or did you get it used or some shit like that?
No one has this schematic that tey can scan for me? if i really have to ill buy it from that link but trying to find it.
I ordered a schematic over 5 weeks ago from Schematic connection and i am still waiting for it.
I really want to fix my amp and not have it sit around.
thanks guys.
I have a schematic and am have found the parts at Mouser. Just wonderin if any of the others have got theirs fixed?
I ended up taking my amp out and having it fixed. Works ok since then, but on the clear channel still has some noise, its not 100% clear. I never opened it up again since getting it repaired, probably going on 7 years now.