Once Again, help the new guy out

I broke a string on my strat, I want to replace the strings with a new set, maybe something else besides Fender Strings......BUT being new to this hobby, I have no idea what I should get? I looked for some info on the web about gage thickness, material, and just general info...not much help. Once again, please send me in the right direction just like you did in the "Tuning" thread I posted.
Thanks for the help.
Thanks for the help.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Daddarios are fine strings.
Personally I have been using DR especially DR Pure Blues with great success for a long time.
Strings are individual though, being new don't so much worry about Brand as string gauge. You'll figure out the brands you like as time goes on. It's kind of like beer really.
Basically light would be .09 to .42 high E to low E.
Medium .10 to .46
Heavy .11 to .50
and so on and so forth. Some hybrids go light on top for bending and really heavy (.52 on the low E's) etc.
Most acoustics start light sets at .12
Ah, good. more than likely it's going to have been strung originally with a
.09 to .042 set. If you want a little thicker tone you could go with a pretty standard .10 to .46 set but you will need to adujst the truss rod in the neck to compensate for the slight raise in string tension. Otherwise you'll see an issue with your tremolo bar raising up off of the body.
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150's 250's and 350 bullets are different styles... different string formulas pure nickle wrap... vs plated etc. The bullet end is supposed to fit snugly in the tremolo bar and not fluctuate as much helping tuning stability with heavy tremolo use
The XL is extra light... the L is light the R is regular.
My guess is .08 for XL .09L and .10R
I used to use Ernie Ball Slinky strings, but was never satisfied. They were, well, too slinky. Too easily bent, didn't seem to hold tune very long, not a very meaty tone. I used Fender strings for a short while, which were okay.
I've been using GHS Boomers on my electrics for about 8 years straight, and I've never really wanted to change to anything else. I've played guitars with DR's and D'Addario's, and I'd use either brand if Boomers weren't available.
I also use D'Addario EXP coated acoustic strings, and I love them. They are coated strings just like Elixers, but they don't have that plastic feel like the Elixers do. Then again, some people really like that plastic texture.
My advice is to try a few different brands, all with the same string guage, and switch them out about once a month. When you find a string you like, stick with it. Everyone here could tell you THEIR favorite, but that's like asking what pick is best... you'll get 20 responses from 20 people. Way too many variables out there.
Personally I like Ernie Balls Skinny Tops Heavy Bottoms on my Epiphone dot and 10 gauge on my Les Paul (haven't really settled on a brand for the 10s yet).
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