
Ok i'm new to guitar playing I got myself a Squier (I know, not the best) to start out. My question is how long did it take you guys and gals to get comfortable moving your fret hand around to different chords? Did you get alot of buzzing or rattling when you first started? Is it normal for that to happen? Right now i've been playing Black along with a Pj live show and the timing is just a little tough to get playing the chords, i'm sure after alot of practice i'll eventually get it down.
Anyone in the Boston (north shore area) that can direct me to a good teacher?
Anyone in the Boston (north shore area) that can direct me to a good teacher?
How I choose to feel is how I am.
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I had a Squier as my first guitar and it was perfect for me for a few years. I have since outgrown it, but I can't bear to part w/ it.
Just keep practicing. Get real comfortable going between a couple of chords (1 2 3 4 next chord 1 2 3 4 next chord 1 2 3 4). and once you get a good sound down pat, try adding in a third chord. G and D are good ones to start off with, then try throwing in A or E or C.
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
you are right, practice is the key. good that you play along to stuff to get the timing down too. keep it up & you will be rockin in no time.
wear a pink shirt and go down the boozer
Without your video playing, strum through 'Black', trying to hit every chord mint. Your timing will suffer in this sort of practise but when you slap you vid back on to play, you will remember how you made those chords sound sweet....ok so you will still hit bum strings but you will improve. Sometimes playing with a 'backing track' can rush you a bit. Try and mix it up, sometimes play solo, others play with the video.
Good luck.
although it is my least favorite zeppelin learning the solo for dazed and confused, now try that one! fuckin hard
wear a pink shirt and go down the boozer
Even Flow Psycho Member #039
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Learn 'Indiiference' chords, real easy. 'black' can be easy if you play the simplified version. 'Elderly woman....' is easy.
Start learning ALL the major chords man, ABCDEFG. B and F are a little difficult because they are barres but once you know all them of by heart, you're rolling.
There are ways around barring F in the traditional power chord sense. You can just play:
Technically that's also a barre, but it acts more like an open chord that way.
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
I started playing by listening to music and sorting out which frets on the guitar made which note. I did this for quite a long time. I learned Secret Agent Man and played that a lot. I moved on past that to a bunch of Matthew Good Band songs.
At this point I discovered tab!
Since I was used to looking down and seeing that such a fret on such a string played such and such a note, this was perfect for me.
I just kept at it. Worked at it for 4 hours a day. Kept working and working until I no longer had the buzz with the chords, built up hand strength and learned the basic chord names and notes.
I remember someone bought me a Metallica songbook with CD for Christmas when I was in grade 9. This book had a lot of Hammet solos. I learned the patterns that he played and practised them for a very long time, eventually pieceing all the parts together and creating solos.
Shortly after I heard 10 for the first time, I went out and bought the tab book. I was hard for me at the time.
The first song I tried was Black. Since I spent most of my time learning Metallica solos, this was a real challenge. I was having trouble baring the chords, but eventually it came with practise. The feel came after I played it a lot. I tried jamming with the CD, but it rushed me and I'd screw up a lot. So I went back to jamming it by myself. Eventually, I could play it with improvised leads.
So I guess you could say that the first Pearl Jam song I learned was Black.
dam right, fast is a natural progression from slow.
wear a pink shirt and go down the boozer