Guitar Scales?

airborellaairborella Posts: 3
edited April 2004 in Musicians and Gearheads
What exactly are guitar scales. Is this something that I really need to know when playing the guitar. I have been playing for a few years and I realized I dont really know the correct way to play. I have tought myself everything I know. All that I know I have learned through tabs. But when I try do do my own solos, or play blues I cant really get it to sound right. Will knowing guitar scales make it easier for me to do solos? Does anyone know of a really good site that can explain them to me real easily?
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  • djyman15djyman15 Posts: 181
    scales will make your solos a bazillion times easier (see I even made up a word, thats how much better it makes you) I dont really feel like typing out a lesson for you right now, but if you go to they have a lesson there, it will teach you everything you need. I think its under chord building, but its necessary for solos too
    "Even if your heart would listen, I doubt I could explain"-Jimmy Eat World
  • ShredShred Posts: 28
    u can learn a scale but it doesnt mean u can solo in a way that ppl will want to listen. u have to use a scale as pathways to creating music and solos. thats all they are, but they are fucking handy if u know how to use them
  • what helped me learn my way around the fretboard was just jamming along to neil young songs like cortez the killer...and almost anything on greendale...just try to match the solos, play aournd, keep the scales in helps you even when it might not seem like you're learning that much...but for each their own
    Teamwork. Rawk. Pwnage. Infinite Possibilities. YIELD. Hells yeah.
    MONKEYNUTS ROte dis oUt a few weekS AGo FOR SOMEOne else askiN A SIMiLAr questIoN oN HERE. HE HoPES It HElps and he hOPES Its also RIte, Lol



    de diaGram is oF de c majOR PENTAToNik. iT is also Of de A mInOR PENATonIk as de majOR AND MiNOR PENTAToNiks hav THe SAME 'ShaPE'

    wir U SEE A 'O' DAT means U CAN PLAY that nOTE IF U WIR PLAYiN IN C MajOR OR A MiNOR. tHE '--' MEANS u CANt PLAY that Note

    de '0' AT thE verY LEFt of thE DIAGraM R Open strinG NOTEs

    BASICALLY THE NoTES FROM the open STRINg to thE 10TH freT R ALl THe nOTES U CAN pLAy. after the 10th freT IN DIS PARtICULAr examPLE DE PAttern REPEATS itself [so u can c daT ON DE 12TH FREt de paTTERN starts agaIN]

    now this is FOR C MAJor so IF U WANNA plaY IN c# whICH IS the next Note uP DEN JUST Move the whOLE 'SHAPE' Up ONE FRET. IF U WANNA plaY IN D WHich is 2 nOtes uP FROM C u just mOve the whOLE 'SHApe/patterN' uP 2 FREts, etc. HE FInks thatS HOW It works

    dis iS HOW MONKEYNUTS LERNED To do leaD. HE JUST memorised that PATTERn and played abOuT wid iT
    sorrY ABoUt de secoND STRINg bein a bIt wonKy
  • Scales have everything to do with you as a guitar player and allowing you to work easier with other instruments.

    Music theory is a physical thing. A root tone will be at a given pitch and a note twelve notes up will have twice the vibrations of the root. That is the nature of the octave.

    Monkeynuts gave you one of the easiest and most versatile guitar scale patterns for playing rock. Get that down and you may be able to get to the top. Understand how to add back in your 4th's and 7th's and park that pattern at different key signatures and you got everything.
    DO <> RE <> MI FA <> SOL <> LA <> SI DO
    1 <> 2 <> 3 4 <> 5 <> 6 <> 7 8
  • HYLAHYLA Posts: 137
  • uninnocentuninnocent Posts: 1,565
    i've been playing for many years now, and have tried many times (in vain) to learn the theory from the internet. best advice i ever got was from this board, when somebody told me to pick up a book. i did. and now i can't put it down. my playing's infinitely improved, and i understand so danged much now.
  • Neil knows how to work his theory.

    He knows the rules and how he can break them.

    Neil does a trick on some songs that a friend I used to play with used when writing his own song. My friend is a big Neil fan and it took me a long time to understand what was happening in these new songs like flatting the root of the 7th chord in the key and making it a major rather than the usual minor flat five. This trick adds incredible tension but most of the notes actually played are in the original key so your ear tells you it works.
    DO <> RE <> MI FA <> SOL <> LA <> SI DO
    1 <> 2 <> 3 4 <> 5 <> 6 <> 7 8
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