
fret buzz question

reeenk roinkreeenk roink Posts: 27
edited February 2004 in Musicians and Gearheads
I got a Fender American Strat. Sometimes the strings buzz when I play and I wonder if its probably because I need to adjust the strings near the bridge or because I'm not playing right and not pushing the strings down hard enough near the fret.
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    exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    if they're buzzing at your hand, you're not fretting hard enough. if they're buzzing somewhere higher up the neck, the set-up is out of whack.
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    Yeah, you may need to get the frets filed... or fret the strings harder.
    Ha ha I've a custy
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    djyman15djyman15 Posts: 181
    perhaps raise the saddle. and your guitar may be set up for the wrong gauge strings
    "Even if your heart would listen, I doubt I could explain"-Jimmy Eat World
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    dude....sounds like your guitar is fretted out. that means the neck is just slightyly twisted a certain way. take it to a guitar center and ask the guy if you need a truss rod adjustment becuase of the buzz. i've had the same problem and that always seemed to straighten it out.....no pun intended ;)
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