Rockin Ladies

nailz100nailz100 Posts: 1,176
edited March 2004 in Musicians and Gearheads
Are there any ladies out there that play in a band, or an instrument and have the same passion for music that I do? I only know a couple of female artists.
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  • cecropiacecropia Posts: 12
    My passion has driven me to the brinks of insanity. I can't even talk about it, it's too much.
    "You'll be able to hook up with plenty of folks who are looking for plenty of folks who are looking to hook up with plenty of folks who are."
  • nailz100nailz100 Posts: 1,176
    Is it the Music that has driven you to insanity, or just the Musicians that you play with? Sometimes a little bit of insanity is good, it helps create better songs...
    Only with our eyes closed can we truly see
  • StarbabyStarbaby Posts: 9
    Hey...I have a couple of guitars but I'm not that good...but I do love music...I wish I could play better but I guess it might help if I practiced more....but I know how bad I sound and it's sooo much easier putting on that cd and listening to people who can really play!!! LOL
  • brain of cbrain of c Posts: 5,213
    anger makes better songs
  • cecropiacecropia Posts: 12
    "You'll be able to hook up with plenty of folks who are looking for plenty of folks who are looking to hook up with plenty of folks who are."
  • StarbabyStarbaby Posts: 9
    Originally posted by cecropia
    It was everyone around me trying to dissuade the little muslim girl into doing something else for 8 years!

    When I was a teenager, my brother took away my guitar because he thought I was a dreamer and a fuck.

    What people don't realize is that some people are born wanting to entertain and like all things artistic. I've been singing since I was a kid... it was so normal for me. Yet all my friends & family just stared and thought I was coo-coo or that I'd "Grow out of it". Well, can you "grow out of wanting to have kids" if that's what you wanted your whole life? NO! Well that's how I feel about music. I can never grow out of it and can never work in an office without going crazy from having to be quiet and not allowed to sing or express myself.

    It's me against the world it feels sometimes. My sister said that "minorities don't make it" when I was a teenager. My brother said I was a dreamer and took away my guitar. My own father, who loves music and all things artistic himself, tells me that you can't be successful. So I realized I should learn the producing side of music as well, to prove him wrong.

    So.. That's why it drove me into insanity. That and being a girl, guys always diss you and say "your never gonna make it" or "girls can't play guitar.... your hands are too small" (like my brother once said to me) and "we can't see u in our band" yadda, yadda, horseshit.

    All I can say is, this is the only occupation I can hold without going crazy and start murdering people.

    But I guess as long as I go to school for music production there will be no turning back. Unless I'm loaded and can afford to jump schools.

    Hang in there!!!! I know of a lot of girls that can play guitar!!!
    Think there is Vixen they made it, Runaways, Lita Ford, Joan Jett, Veruca Salt,'s not how big your hand's the determination you much you much you aim for what you really wanna does seem you have quite a bit of obsticles there you do need someone to support you on your research on women performers give your argument back up....get a history behind them....sit down have a serious discusion with your parents and brother..also give performers with not even really your style of maybe into a certain kind of music now but more theory you learn the more you may will always love this music now...but you may also branch off...oh yeah and I know people scretches at this word "Classical" but you know how many women play a violin, or even a stand up like floor bass (what the Stray cats used lol) give them insite...make your dream a reality.... trust me if you do research on it and come back at them with facts....they will be speechless...give it a shot...whats the worse can happen? It's your life your dream...just because they didn't have a dream...or they never persude it...doesn't mean they should take that right from you!!!! I say give it a helps to have your family supporting you!!!!
  • jamitjamit Posts: 49
    I have REALLY small hands but it doesn't stop me. I try to play I can really only get as far as some intros i can SORTA play dead man i'm getting there. I'm also trying to start a band called "fikus" witha few of my friends but one has a job and the other...we won't go there. I need lessons this summer but until then I'll just play for fun and whoever says girls can't play guitar must be thinkin that it requires a dick cause as far as i'm concerned that is the only difference.

    "I feel the same way about disco as I do herpes" -Hunter S. Thompson
  • Didn't toni iomi. Or however u spell it. The black sabath guy. he had 2 missing fingertips.
    I miss you already, I miss you always
    I miss you already, I miss you all day
  • nailz100nailz100 Posts: 1,176
    Yeah, you're right....Toni Iomi had 2 missing fingertips...and that guy can wail. I also have small hands (for a guy) and I can play quite sufficiently when I want don't let that curb your artist endevours or get you down. I also believe in equality....and you're right...I don't think you need to have a dick to play music....or rock out. But yeah, for some reason people have this perception of what is right and what is wrong....I say...What the hell do people know!! Most of them are just jealous because they have no talents of their own. I would love to meet a lady that can get up on stage and hold her own...but the fact is I haven't met any yet, but I do believe they exist....take Evanescence for an example.. I guess I am just tired of these groupie girls (with half a brain) coming up to me after a show and talking to me. I was just thinking the other day..."wouldn't it be cool if I could talk to some ladies that play an axe or sing". To me that is like the coolest/ sexiest thing when a woman can play a guitar and sing...maybe then I could talk to someone who "gets me".

    Oh, and to Brain Of C.....I gotta ask..."what are you so angry about?" Just curious, cause I have alot of anger too and it is usually the only thing that comes out in alot of the songs I write. Maybe you're just sick of people Judging you, like I am....or expecting you to be something that you're not...
    Only with our eyes closed can we truly see
  • (hello... i'm new... blah blah ...etc etc..) There are more female musicians out there then you realise. You should really check out an amazing woman called Carina Round She plays guitar and is the most exciting and exhilarating performer I've seen in a long time.. And of course there are people like PJ Harvey (my god) and Tori Amos, and Patti Smith and Courtney Love and Beth Orton and Ani Difranco (to mention a few) and all these wonderful amazing inspirational musicians who all have breasts and play a mean guitar.... And you don't need large hands to play guitar, and you don't need a penis either. You just keep playing and you just keep doing what you have to do and you'll meet other people who believe in the same thing and it won't matter what other people, your parents your family think about what you're doing, whether you're just wasting time, wasting your life, because it doesn't matter, because they don't know. Music shouldn't be about proving yourself to other people, it should be about expressing youself, and creating new exciting music and most importantly having fun. I've been playing guitar for 7 years now, starting out playing classical and folk. I still do because I find that playing with your fingers instead of a plectrum makes you a better guitarist, anyway, i play Bass guitar in a alt. grunge band now. (I believe Lei has been spamming the board with her TRIXIE threads.... )... anyway, my point.. if there ever was a point is that MUSIC is for both breasts and testicles, and for any ethnicity, however being a muslim girl makes it 1 thousand times harder to ROCK out, i know, i've got muslim friends, and being asian myself I know what its like... but you keep fighting and you keep doing what you do and they'll back off in time, and if they don't it doesn't matter, you just keep doing it and find ways around it.... and i shall stop rambling now...........................
  • nailz100nailz100 Posts: 1,176
    You're right, you can't listen to people, and you do have to do whats right for you. I'm not sure where you are from to know all these female musicians personally, but up here in Canada....I don't know any ladies I can go have a beer and talk music with....that would be cool.
    Only with our eyes closed can we truly see
  • I'm from England... there are a number of female musicians here just breaking the surface.. take for instance Carina Round, a singer based around my sorta area. She'd been playing the circuit for 6 years doing solo acoustic gigs as a young teen, and finally she's got a record deal and will be playing some of her first gigs in the U.S. She's amazing and you should check out her albums.. "The First Blood Mystery" and her latest "The Disconnection" ... she's been compared to people like Patti Smith and PJ Harvey and Jeff Buckley, but she's still completely original. check her out.

    But you know, the best way to meet female musicians and other musicians is to go to the local gigs, look around and keep an eye on whats going on in the local music scene.
  • nailz100nailz100 Posts: 1,176
    That's cool...I'll have to check her out....she sounds interesting. The problem is that I already play all the major venues in my area and I am in pretty big with the whole music scene here....but there are no ladies that play in bands around here....maybe I should move to a different city....ha. Oh, our site is needs some serious website design though
    Only with our eyes closed can we truly see
  • KwyjiboKwyjibo Posts: 662
    listen to sullen... they were amazing
    The most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway, is that its you, and that you're standing in the doorway.

    I write down good reasons to freeze to death in my spiral ring notebook. But in the long tresses of your hair--I am a babbling brook.
  • nailz100nailz100 Posts: 1,176
    Who's sullen?
    Only with our eyes closed can we truly see
  • I'm currently in a band that keeps changing it's name, but we are beginning to sound decent.

    Also, I've been writing songs under the stage name Jean Dark and making tapes of them. I can't write frigging guitar music to them, though. I leave that part up to my bass player.

    (If anyone's curious, right now we're Qualle. It's the German word for "jellyfish".)
    I've noticed that our senators
    have very funny names.
    Like Lincoln, Zell, and Saxby.
    What's wrong with things like "James"?
    I think that this is crazy.
    I think that it should stop.
    I think this is the reason
    They confirmed John Ashcroft.
  • nailz100nailz100 Posts: 1,176
    Yeah, all I can tell you is keep on playing and Keep on Writing. Do it for yourself and don't let anybody get you down.
    Only with our eyes closed can we truly see
  • nailz100nailz100 Posts: 1,176
    So how many of you ladies out there play in bands, and how many are just "stay at home" musicians.
    Only with our eyes closed can we truly see
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