ok, i ask u enlightened ones (musicians).......
triple c
Posts: 35
where does mikey stand as far as guitarists out there today?
not the older guys like clapton and page, nor dead ones like srv and jimi. i mean guys still around and touring today.
i gotta say top 5 at least right?
not the older guys like clapton and page, nor dead ones like srv and jimi. i mean guys still around and touring today.
i gotta say top 5 at least right?
Post edited by Unknown User on
I wouldn't got as far as top five but as for the rock bands out there today, he can hold his own. He isn't that innovative and he is very much a box pentatonic player which isn't a bad thing but it can get boring if you are jamming purely with 5 notes on the neck. He does use his effects nicely though and he is very much the reason for the pearl jam "sound". If called upon in the right situation, I think he can tear it up, Hendrix-style or even, dare I say, Randy Rhodes style? The riffs aren't difficult at all and very basic actually, so at times, I would think he is trying to make something out of nothing but he gets his point across nicely. I think he is a pretty good songwriter though and in the studio, he can create some nice lead lines to make the song more interesting. On stage, I think he gets a little lazy but the audience really doesn't care either... that is part of the beauty of the band.
Out of the current rock guitarists, I'd give him a B+.
Could you name some of the guitarist your comparing Mike against?
basically everyone out there just about. Im basically just taking out the older unbelieveable guitarists like the ones i mentioned. not that theyre still not unfuckingbelieveable, but their heyday has passed. i guess im making a futile attempt to take out the obvious guitar gods that everybody knows.
if that makes sense?
No, it doesn't make sense to me. If you want to put a person in a position of comparison, then you should be able to at least name some people to compare him to and not just say the top 5/10 "guitarists" of today, and exclude those that he has come to symbolize, because that list will include the names you excluded.
There is not a guitarist that straps on that instrument who doesn't want to be able to say, I can play a jimi, page, svr, evanhalen or floyd riff. So their "heyday" will never have passed. Their not guitar gods because they played the same riffs over and over, its because they brought innovated sounds to a limited instrument through creativity.
Here is one thing I'll say about Mike without the list. He has the ability to make solos that he plays repetivitively keep you anticipating and guessing on how he made it sound different. Yes, many can play his solos by cords, but to get his sound is a whole different thing and that's creativity, that's the innovation that takes a person to a different level of just playing.
His career with PJ may have pigeonhole him into a certain style, but who's to say what he is capable of.
I don't think McCready does anything technically that special. Even his tone is kind of normal to me,,,, BUT when he kicks into an "in your face" solo when the time is right during a show,it DOES move me. So in that respect, he is a good guitarist. He is very good at playing "to the moment".
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
(In a very, very sexy voice) hey stranger where you been hiding? Nicely said.
i would say
dave mustaine and kirk hammet are better, maybe james hetfield, chris poland is really good. but he can shred very well, right up there with the best, so i would say he is close to being one of the best.
he also has good rythmical and slow solos too.
all around great guitarist imo
Spot on.
Dude... gotta be careful about your words. Great guitarists don't just "pass"... They're great for a reason and that is the same reason you are drawing a comparison.
According to this dude's site, Mike is ranked higher than Ingwie, Knopfler, Slash, SRV, etc....
I don't really see how that is possible but in terms of popularity maybe I could see it but in terms of pure mastery of guitar, he isn't even in the top 200 or more, in my opinion.
Who can you compare Mike to in terms of the current modern rock guitarists? Hmmm... maybe Rich Robinson, Jerry Cantrell, Slash, etc., ? Mike can certainly play with these guys but I don't think he is breaking down any doors when compared to them...
btw, i didnt say that any of the guitarists i mentioned werent good any more. what i meant was the era that they were associated with the most, or the genre they were associated w/ if you will, has passed. hell maybe mikes has too while were at it. thats all i was trying to say.
well, here is my two cents. i play a little guitar, but know nothing about theory and all that shit. i probly dont know some of the best guitarists out there cause theyve never been brought to my attention. just judging by the feel of the music that one creates, i have to say mike is easily in my top 5. his solos take me places. for ex. an immortality solo can be like 15 notes that anyone could play, but you could kill me at the end of the solo and i would die a happy man.
go pistons!
so true
What about "Top 500 Punk Musicians."
Or something like that.
Lists are stupid, anyways...
How 'bout spillin' it already and giving us your top 5 or 10 guitarists?
*Bob hears sexy voice and turns around and sees who said it*
*Sees it's Puremagic and smiles*:)
Puremagic!, how great to see you. You're probably on that top ten greatest list with those lefty guitars by now!
Been a couple of crazy months, I've been working an honest living lately, for a change.
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
no harm done!!! (in johnny depp "fear and loathing" voice)
In TERMS of speeD, use of RIFFS and de Over alL STRUCTURe of de solO Mike is One of de best BlUE ROk lead GEETARists. HOWEVEr u canT REALLy comparE Him to clapTon, HENDRIX, srV, paGE, MOORE, etC WHo PLAY a simILAr stYLE TO Mike as Mikes hOLE SONgriTiN ABILItY IS Not as GUD AS DIrs, OR ATLEASt we hav nOt seen WOt he is fulLy capabLE OF AS he is JUST one person in a BAND. to reallY C WOt mIKE IS LIKE HE NEEDS TO release a SOLo alBUm wir he riTES ALl de musiK
ALSO techNique wise Mike, Like all OTHER BLUES/ROk geetarISTS, r No wir nEAr as Gud as teh shreD GEETARists Like vaI, SATrIANi, van HAlen, maLSTEEN, eTc. so iN TERMS Of technique mIKE IS PRObablY DE 3976246 BEST geetariSTS In de world
It's starting to sound like VH-1 in here.
Everyone has their opinion, and most can't agree on one list, especially in a category like "best guitarist".
Then again that Scaruffi list is ONE guys opinion .. I know that I would never put those guys in that order. But thenagain that´s just me and my opinion.. Just like DissidentBand I can´t see Mcready as a better guitarist like those guys mentioned above..
I agree. In the 90's, Mike's style and tone was very refreshing over what grunge really was. He had the most classic rock style during that area along with Rich Robinson, I think.
-Homer J.Simpson