I have a question that I need answered NOW

I have my first guitar lesson in a few hours and I need to know what all I need to take with me. Like do I need to take my amp or just my guitar?
...i'm nervous. I hope it goes well.
...i'm nervous. I hope it goes well.

"I feel the same way about disco as I do herpes" -Hunter S. Thompson
"I feel the same way about disco as I do herpes" -Hunter S. Thompson
Post edited by Unknown User on
and have fun.
"I feel the same way about disco as I do herpes" -Hunter S. Thompson
"I feel the same way about disco as I do herpes" -Hunter S. Thompson
so i guess that was 'one' minus the solos, otherwise not so simple, either that or you are one gifted guitarist!
ha, i wish! yeah, most of the solo stuff i couldn't do...still can't actually...but i haven't been playing that long.
why even bother with intros if you aren't going to learn the songs? keep going to lessons if you want to challenge yourself. if you are getting bored, you may need a different approach in learning. I went thru that phase too until I decided I wanted to be in a band and jam with other people. I now sit down and have an agenda when I practice. Sometimes, I just do exercises for an hour or so before I even get to songs and even then, I may work on scales for another hour. Another great thing to have is a CD full of jam tracks. This is a lot of fun to do when you are by yourself. Either way, if you want to learn the guitar, learn it the right way. It's pretty pointless to noodle around if you aren't getting anything out of it. Have a plan when you sit down with your guitar and see it thru. Your playing will improve so much if you do this.
I am having the discussion with my wife this evening about this same topic I am tired of messing around with just chords, intro's and messing around. I need to get the feedback of playing with others and that starts with getting better and taking some lessons. I have a ton of technique issues that need some working out and I am sure it will be one of those where I may know of a few kinks but the instructor will probably point out more and maybe we work a few out maybe we don't. As it was said by my piano teacher "Unless you trying to be a world class player have some fun and we can forget about perfect form just hit the notes and have some fun with it" Was great for a teacher to let me break the rules and as long as I hit the notes no one realy cared that the fingering wasn't perfect.
Local shop has a 4 lesson + guitar package for 89.95 so you get 4 individual lessons plus a crappy acoustic after the 4 weeks is over or $89.95 towards another guitar in their inventory. So I would have paid $65 for 4 lessons and now I pay $90 and get it as credit towards new guitar purchase that is win/win good luck