

dude_man_24dude_man_24 Posts: 20
edited February 2004 in Musicians and Gearheads
anyone in here use 2 distortion or overdrive boxes at once to get cool tones? im always experimenting with conbiming my ts-9 with various other distortion pedals to get a cool sound. anyone else do this? let me know what you're trying.
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    62strat62strat Posts: 638
    i have a ts9dx, and a ts5 modded to 808..plus ibanez sonic distortion

    i usually run the tsdx on the uh turbo setting? crank up the volume, turn down the distortion (this helps me push the amp at alower volume, makes it sound more rich and full) then depending on wha ti need i usually then run the sonic disotrtion...or the ts808...

    with my strat i always leave my sustainer on as well....

    it helps alot running it this way for me. rounds out the sonic distortion, giving it a very nice heavy rock crunch, but not metal..or ear piercing...

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    Try Metalzone and Jackhammer plus the amp's distortion.
    Ha ha I've a custy
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    damn dude.......a metal zone is enough distortion by itself......those things rock.
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    62strat62strat Posts: 638
    i hate the metalzone.
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    mccreadyisgodmccreadyisgod Bumfuq, MT Posts: 6,395
    Get another TS-9, or a TS-9DX, and run them in series... set two different tones, and then combine them for a third... I am planning on doing exactly that. There is a Black Sabbath cover band here (called Crack Sabbath) that is REALLY good, and the one guitar player (rhythm, not lead) plays two TS-9's in series, and he always has great tone... it's a great way to go.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
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    Originally posted by dude_man_24
    damn dude.......a metal zone is enough distortion by itself......those things rock.

    Wouldn't hurt to experiment... try it. You'll like it.
    Ha ha I've a custy
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    Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    I have a Barber Direct Drive (808 clone) into a Keeley Rat2. It's very nice.

    One of my favorite combos is a Tubescreamer into a Rat.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
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    Telesonics OD into a Ts-9 sounds great! :D

    Two can really play off each other. Not necessarly for crazy heavy distortion, but to create more tonal variations and harmonics.
    Be kind, man
    Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
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    I like the Digitech pedals and stomp boxes, like Metal Master, it can morph to different other boxes. It can mimic Ibanez and Dod pedals.
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    I forgot to say you can try combining two amps too. Some pedals have two outputs, or you can use an A/B selector. You can use one one pedal on the A channel, the another on the B channel and run those to two different amps. Samash.com has got some cool shit like that. I think it's a Morley A/B channel selector or something.
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