
Oops I did it again!

mogwaimogwai Posts: 141
edited January 2004 in Musicians and Gearheads
Today I sent both my dynacomp and my TS-9 to analogman to mod them.In the meantime I'll lay back and rest coz my hands need that!!!I forgot to say that I also ordered his DS-1/pro mod.As soon as I get them you'll have my review here.By the way,does anyone of you own any of these pedals?I hope that they are fine coz I'll have to eat spaghetti and potatoes till the end of the month in order to afford them!!!
"You stay classy San Diego" Ron Burgundy
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    mogwaimogwai Posts: 141
    And as you might have understood I do have GAS!
    "You stay classy San Diego" Ron Burgundy
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    Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    I have a Keeley modded Rat. The DS-1 is nice and smooth and loud. A good combo with the modded TS-9. The TS-9 is much much cleaner and louder. The dyna comp is solid like a ross. Not wavering and pumping like the stock model. It is also a nice clean clear boost where as the TS-9's boost will be more warm.

    you'll like them don't worry.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
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    I have a few tube screamers. Mine were modded by Vaughn Cost , and they sound way better. You can't go wrong with analogman. basically the same mod. They are geniuses, (geni?) The only problem with those guys is that you will want everything they make after you hear their stuff!:D ( see G.A.S.)

    Take care of your hands. How's the tendonitis? Better I hope!?
    Be kind, man
    Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
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