I just bought a drum kit.....

Now what do I do? I've figured out the hit things part but don't kow what to do next.
Vancouver 07/19/98 Vancouver 05/30/03
Portland 11/02/00 Vancouver 09/02/05
Boise 11/03/00 Gorge 1 07/22/06
Seattle 1 11/05/00 Gorge 2 07/23/06
Seattle 2 11/06/00 Vancouver 09/25/09
Portland 11/02/00 Vancouver 09/02/05
Boise 11/03/00 Gorge 1 07/22/06
Seattle 1 11/05/00 Gorge 2 07/23/06
Seattle 2 11/06/00 Vancouver 09/25/09
Post edited by Unknown User on
I don't know, learn a rock beat. Take a lesson or two.
Ta ta tee tee ta.
Portland 11/02/00 Vancouver 09/02/05
Boise 11/03/00 Gorge 1 07/22/06
Seattle 1 11/05/00 Gorge 2 07/23/06
Seattle 2 11/06/00 Vancouver 09/25/09
World Wide Suicide
Low Light
Easy to hear. Easy to play! Will build endurance becaue it's loooong.
(kick kick, snare, kick, snare, kick, snare, kick, snare + quick closed high hat (open during chorus) and the occasional crash).
Once you've mastered that, then try WMA
I've been playing for a while, but always go back to it. It's not always about playing fast and complex, but I'm always trying to improve in my time and feel. Play rudiments like these slow, than faster, and play at different volumns.
Forget about all the drums. Start with only the snare drum - play that for a couple months. Then add in the bass and hi-hat.
Good luck and have fun...
*~~munich 12.6.2007~~*~~chorzow 13.6.2007~~*
edit: parachutes is another fun one...its very easy, but it has a little tricky "stop&go" thing during the verses
Like you know to hit the hi-hat at like 4th beats and then use the bass and snair for different parts of the beats n' stuff ? lol thats sounds confusing to me
"Its a secret to everybody."
I really appreciate everyone's help. Trying all of it, finding what works for me. Not For You is cool. Currently I'm focusing on the snare.
Keep all the advice coming! It's awesome!
Portland 11/02/00 Vancouver 09/02/05
Boise 11/03/00 Gorge 1 07/22/06
Seattle 1 11/05/00 Gorge 2 07/23/06
Seattle 2 11/06/00 Vancouver 09/25/09
I can almost play Go now but it's a bit tricky for me still. You'll pick it up quickly, just keep at it.
Just keep with it...like everything the more you practice, the more you'll improve. Everytime I go to a live show, I always watch the drummer the entire time to catch any small thing he or she may do. Constantly listening to music will help you get songs down and will also give you other ideas. I'd recommend taking a few lessons and then you can go from there. Once you get the hang of it, you can drop the lessons (unless this is something you want to pursue on a professional level). Good luck and have fun.
Out of curioisty what kind of kit did you buy?
whenever i jam at my friend's house i love to get behind the kit for 5 mins, it's so fun
(or better yet, try your local College or University - most of those instructors give private
lessons on the side, or they'll be able to direct you to a good private instructor - this way
you know you're getting a qualified instructor, not just some local music store GOON). Just
because someone's a good guitar player, or if they've been playing guitar a long time, or even if work out of your
local music store . . .It Doesn't Necessarily Mean that they're a Good Guitar Instructor. Make sure that you
check ALL Music Instructors (any instrument) Backgrounds, References, and Qualifications before spending
your hard earned money $$$ on Lessons!!!
- Ian
<b><font color="red">CONTACT ME HERE</font>: www.myspace.com/ianvomsaal</b>
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world wide suicide is not easy at all if you jsut stared out on the drums.
i was just playing the drums to yellow ledbetter (06 version). that song is quite easy. i love the part towards the end where matt hits the toms while playing on the ride. basically any slow song is easy to play. daughter isnt too hard if you play it your own way.
8/7/08, 6/9/09
I wanted to see how far I could get without lessons, but right now it is probably my best option. Don't want to make too many bad habits before I can't break them (like I did with guitar).
I ended up buying an electronic drum set. It's a Yamaha DTXplorer. With a tenant downstairs that goes to bed at about 8:30 I didn't want to keep him up and piss him off. He makes too much money, so rent is always paid on time, doesn't have any friends so in 2 and a half years I've heard him twice. So anything that doesn't upset him works for me. I like it. The value (key word that kept coming up while doing my research) is great. After talking to the guy at the music store I determined it was best for me.
Even before I bought the kit I started focusing on the drums for quite a while and decided I could do that. Just before I got the kit I started listening to a lot of Rush. You know, if you want to be a drummer, might as well listen to one of the best. So yesterday while at work I was listening to the radio and won Rush tickets! It's out of town, so I probably wouldn't have bought them, and of course the affordablity factor because with service charges I think they are at least $100.
So right now I am just laying down bass and snare beats, then playing guitar and bass over top. It has been really beneficial to my guitar playing as well, so I've been doing a lot of playing of all my instruments.
Keeps me busy and out of troble (not that I would be getting into any anyway ; )
Portland 11/02/00 Vancouver 09/02/05
Boise 11/03/00 Gorge 1 07/22/06
Seattle 1 11/05/00 Gorge 2 07/23/06
Seattle 2 11/06/00 Vancouver 09/25/09
I think one of our music store's has an actual qualified goon. Having been to the store I am familiar with the personnel, I wouldn't really trust any of them to even change the strings on my guitar. However, one guy that taught my buddy did quite well and even lined him up with a gig after 8 weeks of playing. My buddy was really nervous and called me in a panic to know about some of the songs he had to learn, but ended up doing really well. They were even on the cover of one of the local newspaper magazines (relatively small town).
Portland 11/02/00 Vancouver 09/02/05
Boise 11/03/00 Gorge 1 07/22/06
Seattle 1 11/05/00 Gorge 2 07/23/06
Seattle 2 11/06/00 Vancouver 09/25/09
I still recall an arghument I had with a guy a few years ago who I was jamming Sandman with, who kept on bitching about me being out by a beat by the end of the chorus.
Well, nowe I know that is because ther is one bar of 5/4 thrown in there, which he was just not getting, playing 4/4 all teh way through.
Get lessons, learn ot read, teh world will be the crustacean of your choice.
<b><font color="red">CONTACT ME HERE</font>: www.myspace.com/ianvomsaal</b>
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If you're as stubborn as I am you could go auto-didactical and just learn it yerself. There's some good websites out there, but be warned! One of them "taught" me when I was tuning my toms that I had to "turn the lug as far as it will go" - damn well broke my floortom doing that. Dumbest thing I ever heard!
The best (free!) drumming lessons website is this one: http://www.drummingweb.com/