Maxon OD v. Big Muff v. Voodoo Lab
What do you guys recommend for a classic rock/bluesy type music? I listened to all of them on the internet and I really like the Maxon. The big muff (any version) sounds too heavy and i like the Voodoo Lab. It seems that everyone likes the Muff, so is it as heavy as it sounds on the net. thanks
Well, it's one louder, isn't it?
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The muff is overkill.
I have found that 2 overdrives or the combination of an overdrive and a distortion toegther give me the best sound because you can set one for clean boost and the other will just cook the preamp and give you a nice balls out sound that is great for leads.
I have a Barber Direct Drive. $99 bucks. Essentially a TS-808 clone with strong bottom end and a bit more gain if you want it, very clean as a clean boost.
you can read about it at harmony-central or at
i'm buying a new muff tonight though.
really tonight? you are replacing the old one?
yes. it's dead for good now. it had a run in with a cement wall last night.
and i want the true bypass.
i'm recording and i need the liquid distortion sound.
wow good stress relief I hope. you'll be happier with an NYC anyway. Hope you get a good price. 80 bucks is pretty cheap anyway.
I wonder if private citizens can ship cheaper. Aren't there any places in Calgary that sell EH?
Laughably Guitar Center continues it's transformation as the Wal Mart of guitar stores and has dropped EH. They now for all intensive purposes carry only Boss and Digitech as well as MXR/dunlop in the stompbox realm anyhow.
But get this they picked up asshole Fulltone.
it would be cheaper to buy online but after shipping it's not. plus, i can go play that honeyburst LP standard again.
Yeah what's the deal with that?
They claim they dropped EH because they weren't selling well and they weren't supporting customers. I think it's pure BS!
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well when I worked there a couple of years ago Gibson dropped them because of some argument, I can't remember exactly something to do with GC wanting a better deal. Naturally GC was a billion times better than Mars and eventually Gibson came back. My guess is it's politics. The GC buyer is on the west coast out in LA. They sell a billion times more Boss and Digitech stomps because frankly that kind of hack music and hack guitarists stuff is cool right now. For the most part besides the Big Muff the EH stuff is not selling that well in the mega stores. My buddies at GC are pretty pissed too. Oh well I'll buy cheaper online.
Funny I remember a perfect black Les Paul Standard we took in used that this guy wanted to buy he asked me how much....I say 1200 and it's a great deal at that. He says well I want to think about it. I say, fine. Go down the road about 2 miles and check out everything Mars has to offer. He leaves. My manager jumps all over me for sending the guy to the competition. 2 hours later, he's back and he buys it. I smile. See told you so.
I'd love to open my own shop and sell just pro gear and hard to find stuff and ship cheap to Canada.