Describes some people on this board...

djyman15djyman15 Posts: 181
edited May 2005 in Musicians and Gearheads
stolen from

You know you are too into pedals when...

Your house is always covered in little bits of velcro

You just don't know what to do with an acoustic guitar

Jonny Greenwood means more to you than your family

You have a very rare pedal on your board that is completely useless and you never use - but you have it!

You can recreate the sounds of a Grand Prix race with a Big Muff and a PS3

You wondered if I meant a USA or Russian Big Muff when I said the above

You spend far more time tweaking knobs than you spend playing

You can recite the exact pedal set ups of at least 10 bands' guitarists

You know what PSU Dave Gilmore uses

You use a fuzz pedal, AND an overdrive pedal AND a distortion pedal, in addition to your 3 amp channels, and you wonder if you need a booster as well...

You wish that this fad for all this clean guitar on songs would just end right now

Your neighbours wonder what "those weird sounds" are coming from your house

Your pedalboard cost more than your guitar and amp put together.

And that's just the board, not the pedals

You ever say "analog is better"

You know how you turn on and off three pedals with only one stomp

You said "Use a LS2" when you read the last question, even though that's not what I meant

When you hear that perfect heartbreaking solo you think "could do with a bit more reverb and a bit less chorus, then it would be perfect"

You can identify the make and model of the chorus pedal on any record just by the sound

You crowd to the barrier on tiptoe at the end of a show, not in the hope that a roadie will give you a plectrum or setlist, but to see what pedals were being used.

You own two Shredmasters, just in case one goes wrong

You call your first child Zachery or Vlad

You use a true bypass strip

You imagine your Ring Stinger gets scratched and you start sweating

You have sent more than two of your pedals to Analog Man to modify

You know how Syd Barret got that cat scratching sound on Lucifer Sam (anyone know?)

You perk up when you watch Star Trek and Piccard mentions "Phasers"

You try a pedal in the shop and think about buying it even though you don't like it because it might sound OK once you've altered the trimpots

You don't think the word "flange" sounds a bit rude

Someone calls you a RAT and you think that they mean you're really pretty cool

Your ebay feedback is over 1000.

You chose your car because it was the same colour as a Boss Hyper Fuzz.

You know what a JRC4558D is

You wear trainers just because it makes stomping pedals easier

You think about circuit bending your radio, just to see how it would sound

You spend more on new pedals to make your guitar sound like an MS20 than it would cost to buy an actual MS20

You've been thrown out of a band for making too many stupid noises

Most of the reviews on Harmony Central are writtien by you

You don't giggle when you hear the words "Super Hard On"

You think about playing seated just so you can use a wah and volume pedal at once

Your solos sound more like music from "when the earth stood still" than a guitar

You know what the first ever pedal boss ever made was

You have stuck your "parental advisory - explicit noise" or "electro harmonix" stickers onto your guitar

You have wondered for several hours whether "Phased Tremolo" or Tremoloed Phase" is better.

You have had the dream where you find the shop that is giving away Lovetone Pedals for free - and you can take them all! For free!

You look down on another guitarist because he only uses 3 boss pedals and they aren't even mounted on a board

Your pedal board needs more than one DC brick.

You need more than one Ring Modulator

You nod in recognition when someone moans about "the pedal tap dance"

Your bandmates all groan when you pull out your new synth pedal
"Even if your heart would listen, I doubt I could explain"-Jimmy Eat World
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