Fender Blues Junior. I believe its 30 watts and about $350.
Peavey Classic 30. 30 watts and about the same price. Both when cranked sound awesome. Both have spring reverb, and I don't care what people say, you can play out with stuff this small, especially with a P.A. Worst case sit it on a chair behind you tilted up.
E. Lansing-98 Columbus-00,03,10 Detroit-00,03 (1&2),06, 14 Cleveland-03,06,10 Toledo-04, Grand Rapids-04,06 London-05, Toronto-05, Indianapolis 10, East Troy (1&2) 11, Chicago 13, Detroit 14
fuck it's hard to type like that. you are ill.
Peavey Classic 30. 30 watts and about the same price. Both when cranked sound awesome. Both have spring reverb, and I don't care what people say, you can play out with stuff this small, especially with a P.A. Worst case sit it on a chair behind you tilted up.
hot rod deluxe is 40W with two channels plus boost and is more comparable to the peavey
for more clean sounds, try a reverend hellhound. it's switchable between 40-60 watts and does ed's semi-dirty-semi-clean sounds pretty well.
of course, this all depends on what you're looking for.
check out this little 20 watt hiwatt tube amp, you might like it.
or the Mesa F-30 is a good one.
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