snarLiN DOgs wiNE-O-WAh
Posts: 114
wOt dya finK abOut it?
MONKEYNUST TRIED It out and iT SEEMED QUIte gUD. HE CUD GET manY SOunds oUtTA IT INCLUDIN A nICE HENDRIXy crybaby wah SOund. he was JUSt wonderiN WOt other PEOPles forts On It wir, parTICULy IN DE RELIABiLiTy/stURDyness arEA
MONKEYNUST TRIED It out and iT SEEMED QUIte gUD. HE CUD GET manY SOunds oUtTA IT INCLUDIN A nICE HENDRIXy crybaby wah SOund. he was JUSt wonderiN WOt other PEOPles forts On It wir, parTICULy IN DE RELIABiLiTy/stURDyness arEA
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