Pac or MIG, loop EFX ?

JofZJofZ Posts: 1,276
edited December 2003 in Musicians and Gearheads
Hi Guys:
I need some input if you have the time.
I am currently using a couple efx pedals, am I better off using the loop efx on the amp?

Also, what order should I put the following?
Tubescreamer, small stone, delay, wah.

Lastly, do either of you have a recomendation for a chorus/flange, and fuzz?
Fulltone is pricey and hard to find in stock are they that good?
Thanks guys,
Hanging at
The only Forum for players by players.......

Playing Les Pauls, Teles, Hubers, Gustavssons, Kolls through a Mad Professor amp with a Bob Burt Cab.
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  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    put the distortion and wah in front of the amp. put the small stone and delay in the loop.

    traditionally, this is what's done but there are no strict rules.
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    Personally I'm not the one to ask really. I've never owned a delay yet and I don't own an amp with effects loops anymore. Hell it dosen't even have Reverb. I went with simple this time.

    Delay usually sounds better in the loop by all acounts but it's up to your ear. I'd wager the phaser (Small Stone) would do well in the loop as well sucking less tone and not going through the EQ or gain circuits which is essentially what efx loops are for.

    I'd never run a wah in the loop but some people might I just hated the sound when I tried it. Tubescreamer definately up front not in the loop you want the TS to color your tone if you own one it's kind of the whole point.

    Some boosts are designed to be run in the loop but not Tubescreamers.

    Sure fulltone makes great effects that are built very well but it's up to you as to whether it's worth it or not as with anything. We can make suggestions to pretty much any price range you want.

    Flangers, Fuzzes and Chorus well ok all effects are so individual they all do different things. It's kind of personal. I love Fulltones Choral/Flange. But Dave Fox (FoxRox) TZF is incredible but priced accordingly

    One good chorus/echo I think you would like is the Visual Sound H20 for flangers maybe the Electro Harmonix (you seem to like them) Electric Mistress a very metallic flanger/filter matrix. Cool pedal.

    we'd have to know specifics to recommend fuzzes. All of them are extremely different and personal I don't really know any that are perfect for all sounds but there are brilliant ones in every category you are pretty much limited to your wallet and your imagination.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • Originally posted by exhausted
    put the distortion and wah in front of the amp. put the small stone and delay in the loop.

    traditionally, this is what's done but there are no strict rules.

    Yeah, that's what I would've said. Delay especially in the loop. Most time-based effects (chorus, reverb, delay) are best in the loop. Many mods (flanger, phaser, vibe, tremolo) can work either way. Mods will sound cleaner, more pronounced via the FX loop and will sound dirtier, more character, before the amp. Wahs will sound better out front... I would put the wah before anything else. Except a volume pedal.

    Distortion and gain-based FX (compressors, limiters, enhancers, overdrives, boosts, etc) will really only work in front of the amp.

    Did I forget anything?
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    Originally posted by mccreadyisgod

    Did I forget anything?

    Yeah Panties and or Bra's go on top of the amp generally but they look equally good on the floor next to said amp.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • Originally posted by Pacomc79
    Yeah Panties and or Bra's go on top of the amp generally but they look equally good on the floor next to said amp.

    Have you seen the drink holders for the mic stand on Musician's Friend? I love those...
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    you all must forgive me as I'm a little stoned at the moment and I'm sure it will occur to me afterwards but...what exactly do you mean 'in the loop'?
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • Originally posted by El_Kabong
    you all must forgive me as I'm a little stoned at the moment and I'm sure it will occur to me afterwards but...what exactly do you mean 'in the loop'?

    Effects loop. In newer amps, they have an output/input route for certain effects.

    And the clowns will eat you.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • JofZJofZ Posts: 1,276
    Thanks guys.
    Hanging at
    The only Forum for players by players.......

    Playing Les Pauls, Teles, Hubers, Gustavssons, Kolls through a Mad Professor amp with a Bob Burt Cab.
    BJF powers my Pedal Board
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    what else do you want to know?



    are good places to start and learn about the alternative and botique stuff that's out there in the pedal realm.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • JofZJofZ Posts: 1,276
    Originally posted by Pacomc79
    what else do you want to know?



    are good places to start and learn about the alternative and botique stuff that's out there in the pedal realm.

    I have been reading the analog-man website for 2 days now. I have no idea what I am going to do. I think a digital delay will be fine, but I know I should go analog. Maybe I'll pickup one of his rebuilt delays and add a coconut and be done for the moment LOL
    Hanging at
    The only Forum for players by players.......

    Playing Les Pauls, Teles, Hubers, Gustavssons, Kolls through a Mad Professor amp with a Bob Burt Cab.
    BJF powers my Pedal Board
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    no analog/digital is a personal choice one is not better than the other just different.

    I really want a CC-2 as well as soon as I unload some stuff but I need a delay possibly first.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • JofZJofZ Posts: 1,276
    Originally posted by Pacomc79
    no analog/digital is a personal choice one is not better than the other just different.

    I really want a CC-2 as well as soon as I unload some stuff but I need a delay possibly first.

    I know its all personal preference. Maybe its this vintage/boutique craze we are in the midst of as well. But, everyone I speak to these days is on a analog band wagon. I am a huge fan of vinyl, and tube amps so I am sure its just a matter of what your ear likes best.

    The CC-2 looks like a good deal for the money.
    Hanging at
    The only Forum for players by players.......

    Playing Les Pauls, Teles, Hubers, Gustavssons, Kolls through a Mad Professor amp with a Bob Burt Cab.
    BJF powers my Pedal Board
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    Originally posted by JofZ
    I know its all personal preference. Maybe its this vintage/boutique craze we are in the midst of as well. But, everyone I speak to these days is on a analog band wagon. I am a huge fan of vinyl, and tube amps so I am sure its just a matter of what your ear likes best.

    The CC-2 looks like a good deal for the money.

    ah. A vinyl lover. Excellent. You like Electro Harmonix obviously you like it dirty. You'll dig analog. The EH Memory Man is a cool choice with lots of tones but not all that reliable. You might dig the digital but dirty SIB echodrive that is warmed up with a tube.

    Almost all the analog stuff is near or over $300. The fulltone tape echo just about to be on the market is $999 bucks. A great tube tape delay but outrageously expensive for us normal folks. Tape is a bitch to mess with too. Apparently the Maxon stuff is pretty cool too but the stuff Mike (analogman) sells is damn good too from all accounts. The high cut will give you the dirtier sound you are after.

    If you really want to go wierd (read cool) check out this site the lo fi looper is really cool and pricey but you knew that already. I'm just throwing out ideas.

    and there's always the HK Replex. Expensive but awesome.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • JofZJofZ Posts: 1,276
    Originally posted by Pacomc79
    ah. A vinyl lover. Excellent. You like Electro Harmonix obviously you like it dirty. You'll dig analog. The EH Memory Man is a cool choice with lots of tones but not all that reliable. You might dig the digital but dirty SIB echodrive that is warmed up with a tube.

    Almost all the analog stuff is near or over $300. The fulltone tape echo just about to be on the market is $999 bucks. A great tube tape delay but outrageously expensive for us normal folks. Tape is a bitch to mess with too. Apparently the Maxon stuff is pretty cool too but the stuff Mike (analogman) sells is damn good too from all accounts. The high cut will give you the dirtier sound you are after.

    If you really want to go wierd (read cool) check out this site the lo fi looper is really cool and pricey but you knew that already. I'm just throwing out ideas.

    and there's always the HK Replex. Expensive but awesome.

    There is somethig about the grit that just makes me happy. My ears really hate the digital CD sound that all of the kids consider to be high quailty. Give me a Macintosh amp and pre-amp, and a good record player and I am in heaven. Its really cool to see vinyl coming back. There are a couple vinyl only websites and almost all of the new music is being pressed again.

    I love the Zvex stuff, its just to expensive. Fulltone from what I hear is the shit, but again just to expensive. I think I'll send my TS9 in for a rebuild, get a CC2 and see if I can be happy for the moment.
    Is there ever an end to buying pedal effects :)??
    Hanging at
    The only Forum for players by players.......

    Playing Les Pauls, Teles, Hubers, Gustavssons, Kolls through a Mad Professor amp with a Bob Burt Cab.
    BJF powers my Pedal Board
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    Ah Macintosh. A conoseur. My other love is home audio. Macintosh came out with an $8,000 tube amp that is on my list of things to buy when I'm infinitely wealthy.

    I have all Denon read (cold digital precision) but I love it for movies and it's fine for music too as I don't have a new turntable yet at my apartment. My dad's yamaha that I picked out for him is much warmer than the denons but I just got a great deal and did it. I can do warm analog on another rig. I'm considering moonlighting at Hifi Buys so I can afford a nice set of Bostons or eventually a pair of Martin Logan's but a new TV comes first then a new DVD/SACD everything player. I should probably buy more DVD audio stuff and enjoy what I already have.

    nope. no end to buying pedals. Though I think there are 12 step programs. The TS9 rebuild is a great idea I think you'll be impressed with Analogman or Robert Keeley whichever you decide.

    you can't go wrong with Dave Fox either. He knows how to get the hendrix sound.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • JofZJofZ Posts: 1,276
    Originally posted by Pacomc79
    Ah Macintosh. A conoseur. My other love is home audio. Macintosh came out with an $8,000 tube amp that is on my list of things to buy when I'm infinitely wealthy.

    I have all Denon read (cold digital precision) but I love it for movies and it's fine for music too as I don't have a new turntable yet at my apartment. My dad's yamaha that I picked out for him is much warmer than the denons but I just got a great deal and did it. I can do warm analog on another rig. I'm considering moonlighting at Hifi Buys so I can afford a nice set of Bostons or eventually a pair of Martin Logan's but a new TV comes first then a new DVD/SACD everything player. I should probably buy more DVD audio stuff and enjoy what I already have.

    nope. no end to buying pedals. Though I think there are 12 step programs. The TS9 rebuild is a great idea I think you'll be impressed with Analogman or Robert Keeley whichever you decide.

    you can't go wrong with Dave Fox either. He knows how to get the hendrix sound.

    You and I probably belong in the same nut house. I hope you don't share my gearhead issues as well. My wife wants me to give up all my hobbies.

    My parents recently got divorced and they were fighting over the Mac units. Both are from 1981 and in mint condition. I decided to end the arguement and loaded them in the car and took them home. I think the last time they were even powered up was about 10 years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if they fetched 10-15K for the set, but I wouldn't dare sell them.
    I decided to run the mac system for music and I have a decent Panasonic system for the theater. It took me about 5 weeks of non-stop messing to get my HDTV up and running. I would like to upgrade my DVD player to SACD, but the lack of material is something to be concerned about.
    I have 2 Cerwin 15's plugged into the Macs and I am fairly certain I can blow them without trying to hard. I am a huge fan of the B&W's, Logan's, Snell (amazing speakers) and for good value I love the Atlantics and paradigms.
    I need a 12 step program for lots of stuff :)
    Hanging at
    The only Forum for players by players.......

    Playing Les Pauls, Teles, Hubers, Gustavssons, Kolls through a Mad Professor amp with a Bob Burt Cab.
    BJF powers my Pedal Board
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    Originally posted by JofZ
    You and I probably belong in the same nut house. I hope you don't share my gearhead issues as well. My wife wants me to give up all my hobbies.

    My parents recently got divorced and they were fighting over the Mac units. Both are from 1981 and in mint condition. I decided to end the arguement and loaded them in the car and took them home. I think the last time they were even powered up was about 10 years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if they fetched 10-15K for the set, but I wouldn't dare sell them.
    I decided to run the mac system for music and I have a decent Panasonic system for the theater. It took me about 5 weeks of non-stop messing to get my HDTV up and running. I would like to upgrade my DVD player to SACD, but the lack of material is something to be concerned about.
    I have 2 Cerwin 15's plugged into the Macs and I am fairly certain I can blow them without trying to hard. I am a huge fan of the B&W's, Logan's, Snell (amazing speakers) and for good value I love the Atlantics and paradigms.
    I need a 12 step program for lots of stuff :)

    we'll definately get along. My dad has 2 Cerwin Vega's as well. They are really efficient I wouldn't doubt you could blow them with the Macintosh but they will take a beating. Their PA club speakers can take insane amounts of power.

    I went with all Polk Audio at the moment mainly for Movies but I love it on music as well. I need a new TV so I can use the Component Video Outs on my DVD player. The Polk LSI's and the ring radiator tweeter are just awesome. I could only afford the RTi's right now but they sound nice and clean to my ears anyway.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • JofZJofZ Posts: 1,276
    Originally posted by Pacomc79
    we'll definately get along. My dad has 2 Cerwin Vega's as well. They are really efficient I wouldn't doubt you could blow them with the Macintosh but they will take a beating. Their PA club speakers can take insane amounts of power.

    I went with all Polk Audio at the moment mainly for Movies but I love it on music as well. I need a new TV so I can use the Component Video Outs on my DVD player. The Polk LSI's and the ring radiator tweeter are just awesome. I could only afford the RTi's right now but they sound nice and clean to my ears anyway.

    I love Polks, the highs are some of the best I have heard for the money. I had them in my car for many years. If you are going to buy a new TV, go with the Samsung HDTV with the Mustang chip, its insane quality for the money.

    Maybe when I get kicked out of the house we can become roomies LOL.

    Speakers are so subjective, its kinda silly how they are sold. But everyone is a salesman :)
    Hanging at
    The only Forum for players by players.......

    Playing Les Pauls, Teles, Hubers, Gustavssons, Kolls through a Mad Professor amp with a Bob Burt Cab.
    BJF powers my Pedal Board
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    Originally posted by JofZ
    I love Polks, the highs are some of the best I have heard for the money. I had them in my car for many years. If you are going to buy a new TV, go with the Samsung HDTV with the Mustang chip, its insane quality for the money.

    Maybe when I get kicked out of the house we can become roomies LOL.

    Speakers are so subjective, its kinda silly how they are sold. But everyone is a salesman :)

    yeah just like guitar stuff. Every piece effects tone. I've looked at the Samsungs. I think I want a 34" CRT. The LCD's look great but are expensive. Plasma's too damn fragile and it really isn't as good as people think. The warrenties cover almost nothing. I don't really want to go the Proj TV route even if it is DLP.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    Originally posted by Pacomc79
    Almost all the analog stuff is near or over $300.

    The Johnson analog delay is pretty cheap. It has a knob that lets you control how dirty it gets. But I sold mine a week after getting it as it really didn't impress that I think about it I think there was some discussion on HC a while back saying it wasn't truly analog...I dunno but it was impossible to look at it's guts without destroying the case. I like Maxon's analog tho.

    The analog delay I use now is a Yamaha E1005 that I bought used for under $100. It's got lots of delay time. It's pretty beat up and they are no longer made but if you can find one it's pretty good.

    And yes, Dave Fox knows his shit!
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    Originally posted by El_Kabong
    The Johnson analog delay is pretty cheap. It has a knob that lets you control how dirty it gets. But I sold mine a week after getting it as it really didn't impress that I think about it I think there was some discussion on HC a while back saying it wasn't truly analog...I dunno but it was impossible to look at it's guts without destroying the case. I like Maxon's analog tho.

    The analog delay I use now is a Yamaha E1005 that I bought used for under $100. It's got lots of delay time. It's pretty beat up and they are no longer made but if you can find one it's pretty good.

    And yes, Dave Fox knows his shit!

    Yeah the DOD FX 96 Ex had is aparently a pretty good analog echo too that goes for around 40 or 50 bucks on Ebay.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    Originally posted by Pacomc79
    Yeah the DOD FX 96 Ex had is aparently a pretty good analog echo too that goes for around 40 or 50 bucks on Ebay.

    the FX96 and FX90 are the best finds going right now. same heart as the fabled analogs essentially.
  • I'm a big analog fan, too, with old tube amps and such... but I prefer the precision and brightness of digital delay. But my delay unit is something like 20 years old, too, so it's about as analog as a digital effect can get. Like Paco said, it's personal preference. I would generally stay away from the EH Memory Man... it's got amazing tones when it works right, but it's a moody pedal, it's big, it has a hard-wired AC power supply, and it has an annoying amount of self-noise. Something to be expected, I suppose... but if you use single-coil pickups and a tube amp (especially an older tube amp) that self-noise is just unforgivable.

    And now you guys are talking home-audio in here? What's next, car speakers?

    Speaking of which... Cerwin Vega car audio is the shit, man...
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    Originally posted by mccreadyisgod
    I'm a big analog fan, too, with old tube amps and such... but I prefer the precision and brightness of digital delay. But my delay unit is something like 20 years old, too, so it's about as analog as a digital effect can get. Like Paco said, it's personal preference. I would generally stay away from the EH Memory Man... it's got amazing tones when it works right, but it's a moody pedal, it's big, it has a hard-wired AC power supply, and it has an annoying amount of self-noise. Something to be expected, I suppose... but if you use single-coil pickups and a tube amp (especially an older tube amp) that self-noise is just unforgivable.

    And now you guys are talking home-audio in here? What's next, car speakers?

    Speaking of which... Cerwin Vega car audio is the shit, man...

    stroker 18"s 46lb magnet. 2" excursion. It would put a whole in my trunk.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • Originally posted by Pacomc79
    stroker 18"s 46lb magnet. 2" excursion. It would put a whole in my trunk.

    Their component mid-hi combos are the best... Their subs are a bit tailored for the electronic/rap stuff, though. I have two Massive 10"s in my Rodeo at the moment.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
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