how to hold the pick

isisisis Posts: 34
edited September 2003 in Musicians and Gearheads
what do you think is the better way to hold the pick? I've been playing guitar for a while now but I can't decide. I don't have anyone to teach me things so I just try to look at guitarists' pictures. Stone in my opinion has the strangest style (like if he was holding his forefinger togheter with the pick) while Kobain used to play with his hand open. Could someone give me some suggestion / information? thanks
I don't want to hear from those who know
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  • Whatever feels good and comfortabel I'd say. I hold it between thumb and index finger and sometimes let my pinky rest on the pickguard, when picking notes.
  • isisisis Posts: 34
    yes I think that it should just feel comfortable. The problem is I haven't understood yet what's better for me. I used to keep my hand like a fist, with the pick between my thumb and forefinger. Then I realized that, holding the pick that way, only my wrist was working. So I changed. Anyway there must be something wrong in the way I hold it now, as I sometimes drop it (... and that is certainly not the only wrong thing with my guitar playing!)
    I don't want to hear from those who know
  • wen MONKEYNUTS IS DOIn SOLOS HE Holds iT LIKE PEARL WAX said [between ThUm AND Index fiNGER WITH PiNKY RESTIn On guitar]. HE ALSO ONly has a littLE BIt OF THE PiK STIkIn out so as he can SOlo fasteR

    wen PlayiN cords he holds the pIk betweeN his thuM AND FIRST two fingers as iT maKES THE PiK MORE STEADy for plAYIn MORE than 1 STRINg AT A tIME. HE ALSO has more of the pIk stiKiN Out wen PlayiN CORDS

    MONKEYNUTS Hopes this helPS BuT THE BEST ADVICE IS TO Just plaY IT In a way THAT is COMFORTABle 4 U
  • isisisis Posts: 34
    thanks guys!
    I don't want to hear from those who know
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    Whatever is most comfortable for you. There's no one correct way. Just experiment with it. I forgot who but someone holds it with the larger end hitting the strings and not the small end. The Edge holds it at an angle so he's not coming straight down (and uses picks with a serrated edge instead of flat)

    If you're having trouble dropping it they make picks that attach to one of your fingers
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • robrob Posts: 142
    I pretty much quit using picks cause I kept boinking them into the darkness anyway. It's very freeing to just use the fingers.
    How,,,,,did I GET here?!

  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    "can we get picks with handles on? for andy."
    -eric clapton. 'from the cradle' rehearsals.
  • rybesrybes Posts: 136
    whatever is comfy...

    I also bought a whole bunch of different picks, brands, size, etc.. untill i found a few that I was really comfy with.. I found that helped a lot!
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