Fender Bandmaster
Posts: 2,146
anyone know the ups and downs of this head?
9/29/96, 8/29/98, 9/8,11/98, 7/28/99, 8/23,24,25/00, 10/13/00, 4/15/03, 4/30/03, 7/8,9,12,14/03, 10/1/04, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 5/4,5,13,27,28/06, 6/1,3/06, 6/19,20,22,24,25,27/08, 7/1/08, 8/4,5,7,16/08, 8/21/09, 10/27,28,30,31/09, 5/15,17,18,20,21/10, 9/2/12, 10/18,19,21,22,25/13
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mig? pac? someone's gotta know something about this hehe
thanks in advance.
and what do you hope to know?
It's either 6L6 or 5881 based, probably very clean, more than likely classic Fender clean tonality, good with pedals etc.
They are pretty good amps depending on condition.
I'm going to guess Blackface and 6L6. These are usually solid amps for the money. They have the classic fender blackface sound depending on the cabinet you choose and are good canidates to be modified. The people to ask would be the guys over at Two Rock amps.
i plan to test it out shortly though...and i'm good with negotiating prices.
thanks pac!