too loud, cops, bitchy neighbor, and another obstacle

I have a question regarding noise levels and neighbors for all of you in bands out there.
I am 34, and I play in a band (rock/grungy/surf style) with myself singing and playing guitar, and my roomate plays drums. I bought a house in a crappy neighborhood 2.5 years ago. We have been jamming in the back room of this house twice a week (usually 7-10pm) for the entire duration I’ve lived there with no complaints. I’m sure you see where this is going…
Some background on the neighborhood:
There are two houses behind and on the left of us, both around 50 feet away. Then there is this shitty apartment complex across the street (at least 200 feet away). This apartment complex has about 12-15 one bedroom units and rents for dirt cheap. There is a wide variety of cultures living there, mostly young people. I hear loud rap music and latin music constantly. There have been people living there with the bass-mobiles that rattle windows in the past, but not right now. There is a drug dealer who sits outside his place, drinks beer and hangs with a group of people all the time, although he doesn’t play loud music or seem to bother anyone. Also, every Friday at the high school two blocks away, there are football games and the marching band can be heard clearly.
It’s possible that nobody has called the cops yet because a lot of the neighbors don’t speak English, leading me to believe that they may be here illegally.
Anyways - to the problem. Last night was rehearsal. At about 9:00pm, there was frantic banging on one of the windows to the jam room. I went outside to see this woman of about 45-50 years old standing there with all the body language you would expect.
I immediately introduced myself and asked “what’s up?”
I’ve never seen her before this (must’ve just moved in), and she said that, in her apartment across the street, her windows were rattling from the drums. Now I know she is stretching the truth because I do go outside often to hear how loud it is, and there is no way that as far away as she is that it is that bad. I figure she can hear us though, just as I hear all the riff-raff from their parking lot.
She said that the windows are thin in my house and I should soundproof the room. Then I asked her if it was OK to play until 10, and I will get something to cover my windows and deaden the sound this weekend.
She really didn’t answer - as she was saying that she is a “rocker”, and she understands, she says, “I wouldn’t be complaining if it didn’t suck.”
WTF?! Are you kidding me? Then we got a little heated, I said I didn’t give a shit about her opinion of if the music sucks or not. I said it’s not too loud, and that she was just trying to move into this shitty, artsy neighborhood and turn it into a retirement home.
We thought about stopping after her complaint, but I don’t want her thinking she can move in after 3 days and run the town. I should’ve known better.
So we played a few more of the “quieter” songs. Within 20 minutes, three sheriff’s officers were banging on the windows. They said that the ordinances state that I am in violation if it can be heard from 50 feet away. In my opinion that law was written for the bass-mobiles, and unfortunately we fall under violation of this. The officers kept saying that it was a school night and that they were banging on the window for 30 minutes. That was a stretch too. Why is live music so taboo?! I was very accommodating to the officers, apologizing and explaining that there is a common understanding that this is just the way that it is around here. The whole neighborhood is loud.
It looks like under the “law” I am in the wrong here though. I will try my best to soundproof with what little money I have. They two windows seem to be the problem. I’m wondering if carpet, Styrofoam, or a huge comforter would do the job.
Anybody ever have a problem like this?
Can I be arrested?
If I do get arrested, it’ll just be good publicity…”Free the music!”
I am 34, and I play in a band (rock/grungy/surf style) with myself singing and playing guitar, and my roomate plays drums. I bought a house in a crappy neighborhood 2.5 years ago. We have been jamming in the back room of this house twice a week (usually 7-10pm) for the entire duration I’ve lived there with no complaints. I’m sure you see where this is going…
Some background on the neighborhood:
There are two houses behind and on the left of us, both around 50 feet away. Then there is this shitty apartment complex across the street (at least 200 feet away). This apartment complex has about 12-15 one bedroom units and rents for dirt cheap. There is a wide variety of cultures living there, mostly young people. I hear loud rap music and latin music constantly. There have been people living there with the bass-mobiles that rattle windows in the past, but not right now. There is a drug dealer who sits outside his place, drinks beer and hangs with a group of people all the time, although he doesn’t play loud music or seem to bother anyone. Also, every Friday at the high school two blocks away, there are football games and the marching band can be heard clearly.
It’s possible that nobody has called the cops yet because a lot of the neighbors don’t speak English, leading me to believe that they may be here illegally.
Anyways - to the problem. Last night was rehearsal. At about 9:00pm, there was frantic banging on one of the windows to the jam room. I went outside to see this woman of about 45-50 years old standing there with all the body language you would expect.
I immediately introduced myself and asked “what’s up?”
I’ve never seen her before this (must’ve just moved in), and she said that, in her apartment across the street, her windows were rattling from the drums. Now I know she is stretching the truth because I do go outside often to hear how loud it is, and there is no way that as far away as she is that it is that bad. I figure she can hear us though, just as I hear all the riff-raff from their parking lot.
She said that the windows are thin in my house and I should soundproof the room. Then I asked her if it was OK to play until 10, and I will get something to cover my windows and deaden the sound this weekend.
She really didn’t answer - as she was saying that she is a “rocker”, and she understands, she says, “I wouldn’t be complaining if it didn’t suck.”
WTF?! Are you kidding me? Then we got a little heated, I said I didn’t give a shit about her opinion of if the music sucks or not. I said it’s not too loud, and that she was just trying to move into this shitty, artsy neighborhood and turn it into a retirement home.
We thought about stopping after her complaint, but I don’t want her thinking she can move in after 3 days and run the town. I should’ve known better.
So we played a few more of the “quieter” songs. Within 20 minutes, three sheriff’s officers were banging on the windows. They said that the ordinances state that I am in violation if it can be heard from 50 feet away. In my opinion that law was written for the bass-mobiles, and unfortunately we fall under violation of this. The officers kept saying that it was a school night and that they were banging on the window for 30 minutes. That was a stretch too. Why is live music so taboo?! I was very accommodating to the officers, apologizing and explaining that there is a common understanding that this is just the way that it is around here. The whole neighborhood is loud.
It looks like under the “law” I am in the wrong here though. I will try my best to soundproof with what little money I have. They two windows seem to be the problem. I’m wondering if carpet, Styrofoam, or a huge comforter would do the job.
Anybody ever have a problem like this?
Can I be arrested?
If I do get arrested, it’ll just be good publicity…”Free the music!”
Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
Post edited by Unknown User on
When we bought our house, first thing I did was get in good with the neighbors. I have played until 2am and no one has complained.
Try and pack up the windows with heavy blankets as they are a big sound leak as well air ducts
Try to find some common ground, I guess that's the best you can do.
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
Now, in your defense, I would suggest soundproofing and moving your practice time up a little earlier. Even though I go to bed at 10pm during the week, I don't want to hear noise before then. Ask your neighbors if it's ok to play during a certain time. If they don't mind, go to town. If not, find a time that works, or find another place to practice. Going by your description of the neighborhood, I'd suggest the latter, so your gear doesn't get turned into drug money.
In this guy's case, the woman insulted his music which probably sparked something. It's not a matter of "I don't like your music", the guy was insulted by her which isn't called for.
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
I guess we'll have to start earlier, and I will soundproof the shit out of my house so as to not disturb people, because ultimaltely, I know 99% of people probably dont want to overhear their neighbors, no matter what it is - screaming kids, bass music, jackhammers.
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
thanks man, i'll need it. I've got a lot of work to do to fix it up.
that's cool about your neighbors. sounds like your hood is a little more normal than mine. I dont think our neigbors like our sound - they mostly like rap and latin stuff...or maybe we do just suck!
Give her some spandex pants, a halter top and a tambourine so she can join-in.
If there's one thing I've ever learned, the only thing that matters here is the law. If you're obeying the law, she can't do shit. Now, I'm plenty respectful to my neighbors (fortunately, I live in a college neighborhood and they wouldn't care if it was 3 AM), but if she came over and said you "suck", I'd be as relentless as legally possible.