i was just offered $13,000 FOR MY EXTRA MSG TICKETS



  • Super_FanSuper_Fan Posts: 249
    I was offered $5,000 to give my ticket away and wristband to see the Rolling Stones at Roseland Ballroom in 2002. I said no way. It was an incredible show to see the Stones in a club during the Forty Licks Tour.
    Tour '08
    Destroying DC Scum.
  • wolfbearwolfbear Posts: 3,965
    I believe it. I wouldn't have sold them either. Everyone is different. :)
    "I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
  • SpreadtheJAMSpreadtheJAM Posts: 344
    I guess it comes down to your financial situation too. You prob. do pretty well for yourself and obviously value a Pearl Jam night at MSG greatly. But for someone just outta school with student loans, i could pay down a pretty nice chunk with that dough.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    NY PJ1 wrote:
    thank you my friend ..

    but im making this up cause nothing is on tv lol

    wow no wonder why the band has been playing green disease alot

    i really don't know what is so unbelievable about this.....there are people in this world who have A LOT of discretionary income so 13k for a concert isn't a big deal....and as for you turning down the $$$, i would too....a concert by your favorite band doesn't happen everyday....you can always make money :)
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    cutback wrote:
    i really don't know what is so unbelievable about this.....there are people in this world who have A LOT of discretionary income so 13k for a concert isn't a big deal....and as for you turning down the $$$, i would too....a concert by your favorite band doesn't happen everyday....you can always make money :)

    totally ,, but their are alot of people willing to pay

    dont forget this person would resell them and make more

    but the pleasure of enjoying pj with the people im going with is worth more than money :)
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    138,xxx wrote:
    People can list tix on stubhub for whatever they want, doesn't mean anyone is buying them. Here are what the tickets in sec. 84 have sold for:

    Section Price Per Ticket Sale Date
    84 $824.00 6/18/08
    84 $318.00 6/17/08
    84 $295.00 6/17/08

    Seller Tip
    Tickets to this event, in your section have been selling at an average price of:
    $479.00 each

    Still a lot of cash but nowhere near $1,600.

    guy get any stats u wan t

    im telling u what i was offered ..period
    cutback wrote:
    i really don't know what is so unbelievable about this.....there are people in this world who have A LOT of discretionary income so 13k for a concert isn't a big deal....and as for you turning down the $$$, i would too....a concert by your favorite band doesn't happen everyday....you can always make money :)

    You'd think that someone who could spend 13K on a concert (or their representatives) would be savy enough not to overpay!
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    You'd think that someone who could spend 13K on a concert (or their representatives) would be savy enough not to overpay!

    hey man..like i said... im sure the person was getting even more in a resell

    i know its crazy but what can i say
  • shareshare Posts: 551
    I believe it.

    what I don't believe is why you feel the need to make a post
    about it and why you think people give a shit.

    I admire the fact that you would rather share the experience
    with family but I really have to question your motive behind
    making a post about this.
    we're all sentient snowflakes
    I'm a number that doesn't count
    the nothing ventured - the nothing feigned
    NY PJ1 wrote:
    hey man..like i said... im sure the person was getting even more in a resell

    i know its crazy but what can i say

    I believe ya.....beauty and value are all in the eye of the beholder.
  • F5F5 Posts: 791
    NY PJ1 wrote:
    not fanclub of course ,the extras i bought for both nights

    but i told the person blood is thicker than water and i bought them for family and friends

    the guy thought i was nuts lol but i said NO WAY ITS PJ AT MSG

    ??? Why wouldn't you take the 13,000 and buy more tickets??? This is hard to believe. You'd have to be a moron not to accept that money.
    Bridge - 10/25/03
    Mansfield I - 6/28/08
    Eddie NYC - 8/4/08
    Seattle - 9/21/09, 9/22/09
    Salt Lake City 9/28/09
    LA 9/30/09, 10/07/09
    San Diego 10/9/09
    Alpine Valley 9/03/11, 9/04/11
    Ashbury Park 9/18/21
    LA 5/06/21, 5/07/21
    Phoenix 05/09/22
    NYC 9/11/22
    Denver 9/22/22
  • You guys are posting what people are asking for....138,xxx was posting what people are paying...big difference. I can post my tickets for 29K and send you the ebay link...doesn't mean anyone is buying...

    If this was true, you could of sold those tix for 13K and upgraded for your whole family. You need to look at completed listings to see what people are paying on ebay...not current listings. The best seats at the Beacon are going for less than 1600.00 each..far less

    My theory on why you posted this is so that you can look like the man for turning down the almighty dollar in the name of your family...
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    share wrote:
    I believe it.

    what I don't believe is why you feel the need to make a post
    about it and why you think people give a shit.

    I admire the fact that you would rather share the experience
    with family but I really have to question your motive behind
    making a post about this.

    i know we discuss such important things on this board :rolleyes:

    i was just giving an example of what some people are willing to pay to see this show and something wild that happened to me a few hours ago

    motive??? lol
    NY PJ1 wrote:
    i know we discuss such important things on this board :rolleyes:

    i was just giving an example of what some people are willing to pay to see this show and something wild that happened to me a few hours ago

    motive??? lol

    Hmmmm...I am no detective, but I think his motive was to convey to us the high market value of MSG tix.

    Buts thats just me, and a super-sleuth I am not!
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    You guys are posting what people are asking for....138,xxx was posting what people are paying...big difference. I can post my tickets for 29K and send you the ebay link...doesn't mean anyone is buying...

    If this was true, you could of sold those tix for 13K and upgraded for your whole family. You need to look at completed listings to see what people are paying on ebay...not current listings. The best seats at the Beacon are going for less than 1600.00 each..far less

    My theory on why you posted this is so that you can look like the man for turning down the almighty dollar in the name of your family...

    some of u people are out of your mind
    the show is tom,,the plans are set

    someone called me and asked for the final time
    why do some of u think their is more to this

    why post it?? why not?? how many poster threads can we look at
    if u dont like the thread peace.....simple
  • I was just offered one thousand million hundred twenty two dollars and 10 cents for my tickets.
    wtf- five pages on that, this show cant come fast enough!!!!!!!!
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    Hmmmm...I am no detective, but I think his motive was to convey to us the high market value of MSG tix.

    Buts thats just me, and a super-sleuth I am not!

    holy shit dude lol

    i had a motive behind my thread !!!! lol call the cops

    people try to analyze too deep here

    its a simple thread haha
  • evenflowmanevenflowman Posts: 1,347
    13k, you could of flown out the west coast when we get our tour and see them all. Nothing like a show at the gorge.
  • shareshare Posts: 551
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    Hmmmm...I am no detective, but I think his motive was to convey to us the high market value of MSG tix.

    Buts thats just me, and a super-sleuth I am not!

    This must be the first concert ever at MSG then.

    He's an attention whore. plain and simple.
    we're all sentient snowflakes
    I'm a number that doesn't count
    the nothing ventured - the nothing feigned
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    13k, you could of flown out the west coast when we get our tour and see them all. Nothing like a show at the gorge.

    lol ,,i could of

    because a few shows will be popping up ;)
  • CantKeepmedownCantKeepmedown Portland, Maine Posts: 3,063
    I hope the band knows how much pressure is on them to give the performance of a lifetime.

    Or $13,000 worth at least.


    Have fun bud. After so many shows, enjoying with your friends and family is what makes it worth it. I'm taking 8 noobs (mostly friends) and can't wait to see their reactions.
  • vital5vital5 Posts: 5,486
    I only got $10k for mine :(
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    share wrote:
    This must be the first concert ever at MSG then.

    He's an attention whore. plain and simple.

    lol ok

    this thread was for my friends ..not u lol

    and ive been to msg a million x brother
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    I hope the band knows how much pressure is on them to give the performance of a lifetime.

    Or $13,000 worth at least.


    Have fun bud. After so many shows, enjoying with your friends and family is what makes it worth it. I'm taking 8 noobs (mostly friends) and can't wait to see their reactions.

    thanx enjoy yourself :)
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    You'd think that someone who could spend 13K on a concert (or their representatives) would be savy enough not to overpay!

    being an entertainment account, you've seen worse ;):)
    share wrote:
    This must be the first concert ever at MSG then.

    He's an attention whore. plain and simple.

    If thats the case, then you are feeding his hunger...I am sure he is very appreciative!
    cutback wrote:
    being an entertainment account, you've seen worse ;):)

    Hell, no....my clients would simply have their publicists get them the tix!

    The more you can afford something, the less likely you are to have to actually spend the money.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    Hell, no....my clients would simply have their publicists get them the tix!

    The more you can afford something, the less likely you are to have to actually spend the money.

    true dat :)
  • KingmidgetKingmidget Posts: 628
    BS...this cats too full of himself from the start. Yo privileged one... I love PJ but don't give a fuck about all your inside shit. I really question whether you're a real fan or a blow hard insider who just loves the attention.

    My salary says you talk big on other bands boards as well. You either sold those tickets (if you had them) or your a lyin shit. My guess is the second.

    Always douted your big talk...now more than ever.

    And who gives a shit about how many times you've been at that oversized barn, the Garden.. Whhoopee

    PJ..play ALPINE ya dogs! :)
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    Kingmidget wrote:
    BS...this cats too full of himself from the start. Yo privileged one... I love PJ but don't give a fuck about all your inside shit. I really question whether you're a real fan or a blow hard insider who just loves the attention.

    My salary says you talk big on other bands boards as well. You either sold those tickets (if you had them) or your a lyin shit. My guess is the second.

    Always douted your big talk...now more than ever.

    And who gives a shit about how many times you've been at that oversized barn, the Garden.. Whhoopee

    PJ..play ALPINE ya dogs! :)

    dude all i can say is i dont know ya never seen nor talked to ya...and thats a good thing

    ive never been on another board and ive been with this band and board from the beginning ( no need to question that )

    my true peeps know me,,and thats all i care about
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