
Warwick Streamer Standard (W/HSC) For Sale or Trade!

Pjammin10Pjammin10 Posts: 24
edited February 2004 in Musicians and Gearheads
Hey Jamily, Since I've slightly changed music styles, I am looking to get a new bass and give my old bass a new home. I'm either looking for a Fretless Fender Jazz bass.. or an older (70's or 60's) Musicmaster/P-bass/Jazz Bass <-- One of the three...The Warwick is in great condition and sounds incredible... It's up for auction (or at least to read a more indepth description and view some pictuers): http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3700911165&category=4713 ...or I'll sell it right off for $500 (obo)...Remember this is for the bass and the perfect condition fitted hardshell case. If anyone is interested email me: Atomicbassman@yahoo.com....

Take Care!
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