Slow fingers
I have been playing guitar for quite a while but my fingers never seem to get any faster. Does anyone know if there is anything special I can do to improve speed, or am I destined to be a rythym guitarist??
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A few years.
as for the slow fingers, i'm in the same boat. i would imagine there are all sorts of drills and exercises to improve speed but i've never looked into it.
scales, scales, scales. Finger memory only comes from lots of practice. Stick with one thing, and nail it before moving on. My definition of nailing something is to be able to play it over and over and over with no mistakes.
It also helps to start slow and build speed over time. Get a metronome and back the time down to 50% and keep building.
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as for a drill, i like the ol'
then move it up a fret etc..all the way up the neck......starting with your pointer...then when you get to the end of that, you go back up , starting wih your pinky...did that make sense?
Hope this helps.
Eg. lIKE 62 STRAT sed do THE 1234 PikIn excerCISE Up and down THE GUiTAR NEK. ALSO try differenT PATteRNS Like 1324 or 2314, etc. dis wilL BILD Up co-ORDINATioN BETWEEN LEFt and riTE HAND AND WIlL ALSO HELP U 2 BE ABle to conTROL ALl ur 4 finGERS iNDIVIDUALlY
aLSO WEN DOIn the patTeRNS Like 1234 or 124 or 134 do them pIkIN EACh NOTE, THEN do them bY HAMMERin On alL NOtes then do dem iN REVERSE bY pUlLIn off all DE NOTES [DIS WILl help ur hamMER OnS AND pUlL OFS Which is wir mOST OF DE SPEED WIlL COME FROm]
also TRY jUST DOIN PULL offs ON ONE STRINg for a mInUTE WID ONE FINGER E.G. 9 PULL OF TO 5 On de E strinG. DO THIS FOR A MiNute. it will HURT BUt will buIld up UR finGER STRENth, enduranCE AND ULTimaTELY SPEED. DO THESE PuLl ofS wid all ur finGERS TO BuILD uP ALL UR FINgers strenTh
lIKE SOMEONE ELSE SED keep ur fretIn fingers cloSE TO THe STRINgs
a gud tip 4 DE RIte hand whICH MOST SPEED GuItarists USE IS DAT WEN PLAYIN QUIk instead of movin the pIkIN HAND MUCH FASTER It is far mOR EASYIER AND ECOnOMICAL TO JUST DECRASE DE RANge of movemenT OF DE PikIn hand. obViouslY U HAV 2 SPEeD Up a bIt wid de rite hand BuT By just usin A SMALL ranGE OF MOVEMENt this will iNCReASE UR SPEED GREATly. 2 decrease de raNGE OF MONtIon of de riTE HAND U SHUD B USIN the rist JOINT INSTEAD of de elbow jOINT [ALSO IF U USE dE ELBow joiNT FOR MOVMENt of de rite haND/ARM U WILL DEVELop probLEMS LIKE TENDOnITIS]. soME GUitarisTS EVEN GO AS FAr AS to use the FUM AND finGER JoINt to create thE smaLL PiKin MoVEMENts [yNiGWIE MALSTEEn does diS]
ALSO just brush DE PiK ANgainST THE STRINgs. if u dig THE PiK TO FAR INTO DE STRINgs lIKE U DO DURIN RIDEM pLAYin it will slow down UR PIKin haND
anOTHER GUD TiP IS TO STAY relaXED. IF UR NOT relaxeD TENSIOn bUILDS Up and slows U DOWN AND CAN caUSE MUSCULAr problems in de fuTure. IF U FEEL TENTIOn whilsT PLAYin den slow DOWn and c woT IS CAUSIN de teNSIoN AND TRY AND CORRECt it
alL DESE EXERCises r reallY BORIn and wonT help u wid PLAYiN WID 'FEELIN' OR WID EVEn pLAYiN A SOLo in a certaiN key SO AS It sounds musically GUD but IT WILL MAKE u a tecHnically better PLAyer. so now tHAT UR FINgers can MOve quIKER AND MORE FLuIDLy u shud learn sOME SCALES [PENTATOnIK/BlUES SCALES R PROLLY BEST if ur inTo rok/BLues] so as U NO THEM Like teh bak OF UR HAnd and improVISE WID DESE. ALso learN sOME SOlos or lIKS bY GUITARist u like And pracTICE THESE SLOWLy then quiKlY [DIS IS VERy gud as mosT SOlOS DURIN TEH QUIk parTS DONT JUST GO 1234 ON one strinG THEN 1234 On TEH NEXT. TEHY MoVE ALL oVER THE 6 STRINgs in VERY RANDOM WAYS AT tIMES]
just PLAYIN VERY QUiKly dont maKE U A GREAT gUITARISt DOh as it can B A BiT TO TECHnICAL ANd lak FEELIn buT ALSo just cos U PLAy quiK dont meaN U LAK feeliN as sometIMES SPEED IS needed. DESPiTE WOT ALOt of peopLE saY 'FEELin' and speed can GO TOGETHER BUT IT IS HARd to acHievE
MONKEYNUTS SI SOrRY FOR RAMBLin on and he hOpes atleast SOME OF DIS WILl help u
I've been playing guitar since 1965 or so, and I couldn't put it any better than that.
If you were to write a book, I would read it, except that the editors might do some large and small cap letter work before they publish it!:D
I get bored with fast playing really quick if it doesn't have feeling to it, and there are few people in the world that put feeling into fast playing. Any guitarist that has done it was in their bedroom for hours a day, for years doing those boring exercises over and over and over.
One thing I do know, is that if you can't play it slow, you'll never play it fast, so playing clean sounding pentatonic scales and blues scales slow, with tone, in time to a metronome, is a great place to start. Slowly work your way faster and faster. Also, playing any melody that you hear, even tv commercial jingles, is a good way to develop your ear, which helps you "feel" where the notes are. This helps, too, because if you can play what comes to your head, and know where the notes are, you can play faster because you're sort of on "autopilot".
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
Eat your pork and beans
I eat more chicken
Than any man ever seen
Thanks for the positive thinking! And thanks everyone for your info!
indeed. Clapton is considered to be great and his nickname was 'slowhand'
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
True, but I don't think his nickname stems from his guitar playing ability. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he got that nickname a long time ago after breaking a string while playing and taking a long time to repair it.