Good Distortion pedal
Hey all, I'm a relatively new guitarist (about 2 1/2 years) and I wanna know what a good distortion/effects pedal would be that won't run me up the wall with its price. Also I wanna buy a larger amp (I currently have a puny Marshall 10W amp) with more effects and stuff on it, like delay and whatnot. Anyone have any good ideas for an amp/pedal package that sounds good together that's not too expensive?
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The Danelectro Fab tone is an excellent pedal as well for around 50 bucks, check ebay but there are a million options, try out all you can in different amplifiers and then make a decision. Keep in mind the more you use the volume vs the gain of the pedal the better it will sound because most distortion pedals fizz out at the highest gain settings. Test them at the volume you intend to use them.
My current amp is a Fender Hotrod Deluxe. It's a 40 watt tube with two 2 overdrive channels and 1 12" speaker. I really love this amp. Music 123 has them for $585 new but you can find used ones farily easily. I gave $400 for mine on Ebay. Many people aren't happy with the overdrives, neither was I at first, but I got with Bob at Eurotubes and the new tubes made a huge difference. Now both overdrives are very usable and I use both of them reguarly.
I've never been a big fan of built in effects on amps, except for maybe some overdrive. They usually don't stack up too well to seperate effects units. Built in effects are attractive at first, but most people I talk to(myself included)realize pretty early that seperate units are better. To me you just can't get better than a simple good sounding tube amp with what you want added yourself. Especially if your just starting out. Buy or borrow effects units and try them out. You'll get a fair comparison of units out there and be able to form your own opinions on what you want based on how you want to sound and what you want to be able to do. I went this route early and now am really glad I did. I have friends who didn't and later really wished they had.
Don't think you need something huge either. If the biggest venue you gonna play is your shed or at best some clubs, you really don't need anything more than about 40-60 tube watts or so. You can always mike the amp if you need to. Watch live performaces and you'll see a lot of famous people doing that anyway. Unless you playing the garden you'll want something you can play at least semi quietly if you need to. Not very easy on a 100 watt marshall head and cabinet.
As far as effects I use a Proco Vintage Rat distortion and a DOD Yngwie model Overdirve.
I really love the Pro co on songs like: jet- are you gonna be my girl, Marcy playground - It's saturday, Sonic reducer, ect. It can really scream, adds some nice sustain and can help you get some cool feedback. All around a great distortion in my opinion.
I use the DOD for light distortion & a volume boost. Coupled with the first overdrive on my amp I get a really good "do the evolution" sound.
I use the first o/d drive on my amp for lighter stuff as well. I use it on baba o'riely and kick on the Dod for the solos.
I use the second o/d for heavier classic stuff like nazareth-hair of the dog. I also use it for heaver new stuff when I don't want as much scream or just a little bit more of a bluesy sound.
Don't worry, as you go you'll form your own opinions and find the things you like. Just keep trying new things and learning. I remember when I couldn't tell you the difference between a solid state and a tube amp. But I learned, and am still learning.
I have a ProCo Rat2 as well, modified by Robert Keeley to allow for 3 different modes. My OD is currently the Barber Direct Drive, mostly a copy of the old TS 808 with better caps and resistors.
i personally think ibanez are cheap at everything they do, yes the tube screamer is like there best product but i dont think its overly fantastic
for FX stick with companys like boss, digitech, Voodoo Lab, Electro Harmonix and Jim Dunlop
stay away from ibanez, Dan electro and Zoom