pearl jam nyc area june or july ..its all good



  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    that liberty park is aug 8-10?

    so that means more than 1 show?? :)

    cause i heard june or july?? nice
  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    Wow, can't believe I missed this thread. Hopefully they don't play when my cousin gets married. Knowing my luck, they will...
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
  • how about a month long residency playing all of NYC's venues

    8/25/00NY, 9/1/00NJ, 4/30/03NY, 7/2&3/03MSG, 7/14/03NJ, 10/13/04 EdW/Boss, 9/24&25/05 St Johns, 5/13/06CT, 5/27&28/06NJ, 6/1/06NJ, 6/3/06NJ, 6/24/06 OH, 7/15-16/06CA, Lolla07, DC, MSGx2, MA1, ED SOLO NYC1&2!
  • edvedder913edvedder913 Posts: 1,810
    Please.. no NYC festival.

    2 nights. MSG. do it right.

    perfectly put.....but 3 nights would be preferable :D
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    perfectly put.....but 3 nights would be preferable :D

    oh boy that would be grand,,,but i dont know about that ....
  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    hum.... the venue could start with "L"? ;)

    Le' Beacon Theater? Le' MSG?
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    perfectly put.....but 3 nights would be preferable :D

    That would be insane.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 13,561

    just drop the info please!
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,601
    i'm hoping for more than one show around here so i can take my 14 yr old son to hi's 1st PJ show ...
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    i'm hoping for more than one show around here so i can take my 14 yr old son to hi's 1st PJ show ...

    On their last tour, I took my (then) 12 year old sister out of school to see them in Boston. It was awesome.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,601
    yosi wrote:
    On their last tour, I took my (then) 12 year old sister out of school to see them in Boston. It was awesome.

    damm cool bro you are did your parents freak ? nice :)
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    damm cool bro you are did your parents freak ? nice :)

    Nah, my parents are cool, they let me take her.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
  • JaneNYJaneNY Posts: 4,438
    yosi wrote:
    Nah, my parents are cool, they let me take her.
    Heh - I took my daughter out of school to see Pearl Jam a few times. She gets all As, and I consider it a field trip and very educational. And it is.
    R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
    R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
    R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
  • Tangerine wrote:
    L...Liberty State Park??

    all points west concert aug 8-10 per rolling stone mag, no mention of line-up yet, went to apw site no line-up either so we wait.
    03 bristow,04 reading,05 toronto,05 phillie,06 camden,06 dc,07 chicago,08 dc,08 camden,09 philliex2,10 bristow
    eddie solo 08 dc,09 balt, 11 phillie
  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    JaneNY wrote:
    Heh - I took my daughter out of school to see Pearl Jam a few times. She gets all As, and I consider it a field trip and very educational. And it is.

    Yea she's a good student too, and I think my parents thought that it was more important for my sister to spend time with her older brother who isn't always around then one day of 7th grade. She'll remember going to PJ with me for the rest of her life, it was her first real rock concert and she missed school to go to Boston with her brother. Otherwise, she would never have remembered that day.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    all points west concert aug 8-10 per rolling stone mag, no mention of line-up yet, went to apw site no line-up either so we wait.

    their are 2 different festivals in jersey that weekend

    one in jersey city
    and one in vineland

    im willing to bet cash the band is at 1

    hopefully the jersey city one

    p.s. props to foxymop for the vineland heads up
  • Richard Nixon had more credibility than this.
    Teamwork. Rawk. Pwnage. Infinite Possibilities. YIELD. Hells yeah.
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    Richard Nixon had more credibility than this.

    if u say so
  • salngrsalngr Posts: 55
    NY PJ1 wrote:
    their are 2 different festivals in jersey that weekend

    one in jersey city
    and one in vineland

    im willing to bet cash the band is at 1

    hopefully the jersey city one
    Vineland is off til 2009
    "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini (or diet coke) in the other hand, body thoroughly used up, worn out and tired..."
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    salngr wrote:
    Vineland is off til 2009

    ok jersey city it is lol beautiful

    foxymop ,,whaz up w/ that? lol
  • salngr wrote:
    Vineland is off til 2009
    Erase the tapes.
    Teamwork. Rawk. Pwnage. Infinite Possibilities. YIELD. Hells yeah.
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    Erase the tapes.

    im not gonna get into an argument about me being serious or not

    people who know me ,, know whats up ..its cool
  • So basically what you're saying is you're not a crook.
    Teamwork. Rawk. Pwnage. Infinite Possibilities. YIELD. Hells yeah.
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    So basically what you're saying is you're not a crook.

    ill humor you

    the poetry section is waiting for you ,, go write a poem and come back
  • We stop at pancakes house.
    Teamwork. Rawk. Pwnage. Infinite Possibilities. YIELD. Hells yeah.
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    We stop at pancakes house.

    your location says it all

    just for this,,u cant come
  • Radiohead is headlining APW.

    Your ignorance limits you.
    10 million dune buggies comin' down the mountain
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    BrainOfJD wrote:
    Radiohead is headlining APW.

    Your ignorance limits you.

    according to this vineland is on ?

  • 4Powers204Powers20 Posts: 1,231
    Vineland is off until 2009 as per thier website.

    "We're running out of beer, too?" EV 6/19/08

  • NY PJ1 wrote:
    according to this vineland is on ?


    This is a month old. Vineland was cancelled after this was reported.

    The NY Times isn't in the habit of printing unfounded rumors. But OK, I'll believe you instead of them.
    10 million dune buggies comin' down the mountain
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