pickup problem

im going to try and make this as simple as possible- basically, i have a strat that i bought from a pawn shop and it sounds like shit. i want to either replace the pickups and pots or get a whole new guitar (telecaster). if i just get new pickups, i want to install them myself to save money and time since there isnt a music shop within about an hour and a half of me. but i dont have a clue how to go about it. i would feel confident about doing it if i had some instuction and was wondering if any of you guys could help me out. sorry if this post is a little scatter brained. if you need any more info just ask. thanks!!! -jason
If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done....
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as for the pickups, pretty easy, especially on a strat-type guitar. again, there are how-tos if you search a bit.
and have a look at http://www.seymourduncan.com and http://www.guitarelectronics.com for schematics, parts, etc.
My favorite strat or tele or whatever pickups you can learn a lot here.
http://www.fralinpickups.com/ http://www.stewmac.com
WhosPearlJam (Bob) has built several guitars and can probably handle more technical questions if you ask him, or you can e-mail fender tech support.
Actually, before you even change anything, check over the wire connections in all the existing pots and switches, especially the input jack, and at the pickups.
You didn't say how it sounds crappy, but try to tighten up what you have first.
A lot of problems stem from loose connections. You definitely want to get a soldering gun and practice on some wire, like exhausted says.
Then spray the pots with tuner cleaner that you can get at radio shack or an electronics store. Scratchy volume and tone controls are usually just dirty
Then make sure your pickups are set high enough near the strings. You can raise them with the screws at the sides on the pickguard. There usually is a "sweet spot" where it sounds best.
Then you can go for it if you want to change pick ups.
Everyone should have Dan Erlewine's "Guitar Player Repair Guide". He is a super guy and the guru of guitar repairs
Best 25 bucks you can spend if you want to fix and fool around with your guitars!
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
Lace Sensors are pretty good for the right person, and I hear good things about the new cobalt pups.
Stacked humbuckers are worth a thought, too. Was it ex. that had the stacked buckers? Anyways, they give you single-coil tone but no hum.
I'd also suggest sifting through the Seymour Duncan collection, see if anything tickles your fancy:
May I point out, specifically, the Hot and Hot Stack models?
Check the input jack. it's probably either a loose soldier joint or the clip is loose. when the cable is moving it's popping because you're loosing contact somewhere.
and yes mig it was Ex the Seymour Duncan Vintage Stacks.
Paco is right. The jack might have loose connections that you can't see. Sometimes when the jack is loose, it twists in its fitting and shorts out, so you resolder it.
The volume pot may be old and no good, try getting more tuner cleaner in there and turning it again. Sometimes it takes a bit of juice inside the pot to get all the sweat and beer and cigarette smoke out!
And, of course, the number one problem with crackling that everyone overlooks is the damn cord! Try another cord.
I would be willing to bet that your pickups are ok, but you might as well put some in, because you want to anyway!:D
Texas specials are great if you like the in between bridge and middle pickup sound. A tapped humbucker never seems to get that sound.
If you don't use that sound, then listen to those guys, Exhausted, Paco, MIG combination. Stick a stacked humbucker in the bridge for some ooomph.
I have a Deluxe 50th anniversary with the cobalt pickups and the s1 switching, and they are my favorite yet! I haven't even looked to see if those are available on their own yet.
Good luck
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart