Les Paul - new pick ups?
I have a good les paul... very nice solid body... nice resonant sound... I want to change the rear bridge and get some new pickups... can anyone recommend some nice sounding pickups for me? I dont want something thats gunna cost a fortune... but I dont want shitty ones either... any advice would be good...
Those who dance are called insane by those who dont hear the music
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Seymour Duncan has a few: Seth Lovers and the PAF '59.
Musician's Friend lists them for $99.99:
Check out http://www.seymourduncan.com
I love Lindy Fralin Pickups as well.
hey, no fair asking real questions.
subjectivity, that's what we're looking for here.
Well, if you're happy with the feel and playability, then pickup upgrade is a good way to go. I would still recommend the Classic 57's, or the Seymour Duncan equivalent, Seth Lovers. Like Paco said, the Burstbuckers are also really good, as are PAF '59s. They're all pretty similar designs and sounds, the '57s and the Seth Lovers will be warmer, the '59s and Burstbuckers will be brighter, more articulate. You can always mix and match, get a '57 in the bridge and a Burstbucker in the neck... a Lover in the neck and a PAF in the bridge... whichever. Go to:
Look at the model specs there, listen to the sound clips, really research them. It sounds like you want something with good lows, great mids, and a bit less responsive on the highs.