Pearl Jam Solos
What are some good solos to learn from? I've been playing scales and such but cant seem to get into the solo stuff. What are easy Pearl Jam solos to learn? I know the wishlist solo but I mean are real solo. Any suggestions would be great.
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Eat your pork and beans
I eat more chicken
Than any man ever seen
If u do, then thats it.....
Noel Gallagher
iTS A gREAt example of gettIn alOt out of woT is essenTially a basIk scaLE [PENtatOnIk scaLE]. DE STudio versiOn is also GUD AS MIke moves a bIT ALonG DE GEETAR nek so it wiLL HELP U IN chanGin neC POSISTiOns durin A SOLo
aLSO DE STudio VERSION IS GRAte 4 beggIners as IT ISNt to fasT
solos never seemed right to me ive been playing for alittle over 6 years and all i play are scales i cant seem to break out of the box patterns. so once again thanks for all the help.
Dude, I don't consider myself a beginner anymore - though I sound like one - but I can't pull that solo of in a zillion years. I suck at solos.
totally agree, top solo....
once u nail two or three, go for Alive, u'll impress the hell out of ppl too. And its really not hard, the studio one anyway....
some live ones are just insane though..... live on SNL, drooling away, thats incredible....
Noel Gallagher
i never made time to play a pj solo..
i will this week..
And I know she's reached my heart,... in thin air
Good point there.
Learn Even Flow's Solo Btw.
-Homer J.Simpson
hate to quote myself i believe you missed this. its the second half you missed.
easy to start with is the intro part of DISSIDENT
of course DAUGHTER
if you're a sound freak try NOTHING AS IT SEEMS
PJ solos rock!
as for the pentatonic scale try learning all the notes on each string. that will help u get out of the boxes.
does the solo start at 3:38 and go untill the end? and its all G2 on from 3:38. g2 is reference from giventowail. if so its a bit overwhelming but ill try to learn this one.