Looking to trade for GA tickets multiple shows

Hi. Like a lot of others I’m looking for GA tickets. Currently Need pair GA for FL2, both Atlanta, both Nash. And N1 Raleigh
Both me and my ticket partner scored seats for some shows. So we are looking to trade 2 pairs of seats for 1 pair of GA tickets.
We have 4 seats to trade for both Atlanta shows, both Nashville shows, and N1 Raleigh. Additionally also have 1 pair FL2 and 1 pair Raleigh 2 to trade. Cheers
Post edited by lund1801 on
2011-09-04 PJ20 | 2011-09-17 Winnipeg | 2012-09-30 Missoula | 2012-11-18 Tulsa EV | 2013-07-19 Chicago | 2013-11-15 Dallas
2013-11-16 OKC | 2014-10-09 Lincoln | 2014-10-17 Moline | 2014-10-19 St. Paul | 2014-10-20 Milwaukee | 2016-08-20 Chicago
2016-08-22 Chicago | 2018-08-18 Chicago | 2018-08-20 Chicago | 2022-05-09 Phoenix | 2022-05-20 Las Vegas | 2022-09-18 St. Louis
2022-09-20 OKC | 2023-08-31 St. Paul | 2023-09-02 St. Paul | 2024-05-16 Las Vegas | 2024-05-18 Las Vegas | 2024-08-31 Chicago
Aye sorry can see it’s a bit confusing. I’ve missed some tickets off anyway so I’ll try explain again. But it’s basically as KJ228171 has said. Looking to trade any 2 pairs of our seats ( 4 seats total) for 2 GA tickets. I’m looking for a pair GA tickets for FL2, AT1, AT2, NA1, NA2 and RA1.
Additionally looking for 1 GA ticket for Florida 1. I’m happy to trade 1 pair seats (2 tickets) for these.
The only thing is if my FL2 are involved in the trade I would need FL2 GA in return.
I now have these pairs left to trade.
Florida N2. 113 row P
Atlanta N1 117 row G
Atlanta N1 119 row ss
Atlanta N2. 111 row J
Atlanta N2. Sec4 row E
Nashville N2. 101 row kk
Nashville N2. 105 row L
Raleigh N1. 130 row xx.
Raleigh N1 103. Row Z
Raleigh N2. 120 row s
PITS 1. Sec 105 row Q
Hopefully clears it up a bit and I’ve not made it more confusing. Cheers