Setlist data available?

Does anyone know if all of PJ's setlist data is available somewhere and downloadable? Like whomever created the PJ tracker app has it obviously. I have this crazy idea to try and rank setlists. Like statistically looking at exactly why Philly N1 2024 or Sydney N2 was exponentially better than Indy 2024. It's clear on paper but I'd love to assign a value to that and see if it tracks with other "greatest setlists" and not so great ones. I also understand that each show is subjective and that one person's best show ever is someone else's meh show but I still think it'd be fun to assign an objective value.


  • julieooliernjulieooliern WA Posts: 212
    edited January 10
    Mathematician? Or statistician? 
  • KJ228171KJ228171 Posts: 219 has the data. Not sure if there is an easy way to bulk download it.
  • minor 7minor 7 Posts: 6
    Mathematician? Or statistician? 
    I'm not a statistician but I play one on TV. But seriously, fellow forum member, Denverapolis is going to work this with me and knows more about this than I. 
  • minor 7minor 7 Posts: 6
    KJ228171 said: has the data. Not sure if there is an easy way to bulk download it.
    I dug a little bit and it actually looks like the have an API tool that might be helpful, I'll dig into that, thanks!
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