FS at cost: *Mint* 2024 Fenway Oliver Barrett AP

BH76306BH76306 Posts: 111
I was one of the lucky ones to receive a non-damaged AP print from Barrett. I'm not trying to make any $ off it, just realized it was more of an impulse purchase (I don't often have access to an AP!) than a print I have any connection to. With shipping I paid $100 even so selling for that plus $12 shipping



  • JS160349JS160349 Posts: 113
    Were a lot of them damaged? I have one, but never took it out the tube to check......
    Joey Stephan
  • BH76306BH76306 Posts: 111
    JS160349 said:
    Were a lot of them damaged? I have one, but never took it out the tube to check......
    I thought so... but now a quick search of the forums doesn't turn anything up haha. I thought a bunch of tubes were crushed or posters dinged by not being packed well. Certainly could be misremembering.
  • BH76306BH76306 Posts: 111
    weekend bumparoo
  • BH76306BH76306 Posts: 111
    bumposaurus rex
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