Lower Pony and Aye Karou (my bands)

My band Lower Pony just put some demos up on Bandcamp. It’s a free download. Check it out if you’re looking for something new.
RIYL: The Lemonheads, Pavement, Pixies

RIYL: The Lemonheads, Pavement, Pixies

Also, my other band, Aye Karou, released an album back in April.

Post edited by EarlWelsh on
Nice work. Will give it a full listen soon.
Nice message on first song 'low bar'
I like the accessibility of the vocals. Feel like i can easily sing along. Back up vocs are hot.
Also like the 'old school' fade out at the end.
Just slammed a strong cup of coffee so I'm full of sh.t to say. It won't last
PS I'm very impressionable. My old man told me he doesn't have a unique thought in his head. I'm starting to understand that!
The rest is cool. Sure people will love it. For me it sounds familiar yet unique. Appriciate the different vocals (vocalists?)So, well done anyway and nice to see cool music being released.
Thx for sharing
And please listen people! Good stuff imo