FT: Pittsburgh Reserved Sunday for Pittsburgh SIMILAR Reserved or GA Friday

I have an extra in Section 114, Row P for the Sunday May 18 Pittsburgh show.

Looking to swap for either GA or a similar reserved ticket for the Friday May 16 show.


  • michaelomichaelo Morgantown, PA. USA Posts: 77
    I have 113 row w night 1 
  • That'll work!  PM sent.
  • michaelomichaelo Morgantown, PA. USA Posts: 77
    I fucked up, sorry. I have Sunday as well. Good luck finding a trade.

  • Oatsdad said:
    I have an extra in Section 114, Row P for the Sunday May 18 Pittsburgh show.

    Looking to swap for either GA or a similar reserved ticket for the Friday May 16 show.

    Still looking for a trade partner who has Friday Pittsburgh!
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