
"a compliment fo US is a compliment for YOU" our first REAL write-up :)

low_lightlow_light Posts: 251
edited January 2004 in Musicians and Gearheads
we finally got a first review of our newest recording. check it out.


hopefully that link will work :)
Oh and I don't know where he got the "vedderbonics" comment from. we never said anything about it. I told him I didn't mind being compared to EV. I just hated singers like creed that over annunciate when they sing. Hince the "rrr" part he was talking about.

Post edited by Unknown User on


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    Awesome David, its a very glowing review. And very well deserved if I do say so my damn self. Congrats dude.
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    ....not sure about the Perfect Strangers comparison though.....
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    exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    congrats. hope things keep going well.
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    House53House53 Posts: 1,276
    That is funny about the Eddie comment. I get that too... I think it is a result of really me learning to sing while singing along with PJ.

    Our guitar player is a huge McCready fan. So, when we play songs my friends describe them as...

    It is what Jumpin' Jack Flash would sound like if Pearl Jam covered it...

    I guess, I would rather sound like Mr. Vedder than most other vocalists... if I am going to sound like someone.

    Nice review.
    There's No Code.
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    low_lightlow_light Posts: 251
    thanks, JB- yeah I still have no idea who that guy is lol. perfect strangers?? hmm

    ex- thnx man

    house- yeah I litterally learned how to sing through the nineties by singing along with mr. v himself. I just have a similar voice but I dont go out of my way to sound like him. If anything lately I have worked to find my own sound in my voice. always similar but never forced.

    I am feeling good these days about playing music. Although my personal life is starting to get rocky, I can always have this one thing.

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    House53House53 Posts: 1,276
    low light,

    I am the same way... my girl used to complain that I always tried to sing like him... and for a while I did... but now it just turns out that I have a similar baritone voice...

    But, I am also working on getting my own sound... unless we are playing a pearl jam song... then I let the similarities shine through.
    There's No Code.
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    low_lightlow_light Posts: 251
    hehe I know what you mean. We played a cover of "wishlist" at one show and several people were looking at me funny because I go into full vedder voice :)

    Its fun. We are doing "river of deceit" soon but I am trying to just sing it in our own way and not do a copy cat kareoke version :)

    I just finally nailed the opening and ending Riff mccready came up with. it's actually pretty easy but I swear the first time I heard it I was in love.

    I still miss Layne S's music and lyrics. Wish he were still writing. too bad.

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    House53House53 Posts: 1,276
    I get the same "wishlist effect" when we do Black and I got Shit
    There's No Code.
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    The Perfect Strangers guy he was talking about:
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    low_lightlow_light Posts: 251
    dear lord! hehe

    i can kind of see what he meant a little. Im a dork anyway so it doesnt bother me.

    thanks, jb :)

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    Na f*ck that noise dude, I'm sure your lady friends don't think you look like that a$$clown.
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    Congratulations on the nice review, lowlight. Your stuff sounds really good. The reviewer definitely likes it.
    Reviewers always want to compare a band or singer to another one. Might as well be compared to a good singer!

    Some of those articles are so ambiguous that you can't tell what they thought.I was in a band a few years ago that got described as "The Squirrel Nut Zippers on acid" We were like,,,, what the f* does THAT mean!? Is that good, bad, indifferent?
    Then they described the guitarist (Me) as "reminiscent of Captain Beefheart meets John Waters for a drink in a far far off land. " ,,,,,,huh?
    I couldn't figure out if It was a good review or not!

    I decided to take it as a compliment!

    It was kind of funny, because I did a short stint with captain beefheart on tour a long time ago, but they wouldn't have known that. I guess I'm out there in a far far off land!
    Be kind, man
    Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
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    exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    i used to get compared to artists i don't even listen to. some i hadn't even heard of.
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    It is funny how they will say "reminiscent of....." or has "early blues influence of Muddy Waters " , It's like excuse me, doesn't everybody! There's like ,,,,,12 notes. Statistically, it's gotta sound like someone else, somewhere. :D
    Be kind, man
    Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
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    low_lightlow_light Posts: 251
    Yeah I hear ya. lol, Beefheart? thats crazy stuff. I think my keyboard man gets a lot of "YOU PLAY JUST LIKE COLDPLAY dude!" hehe. anytime you have a piano in songs these days everyone has to compare you to them. WHo, by the way, I really love. Cold Play. Its funny though because Brian has played EXACTLY the same since Ive known him back in the early 90's. they just play similr style keys.

    It's obvious every song has already been written. so we do what we can to twist and bend it all enough to get across a message or an emotion. Thats all I do.

    Im going to cover "Sparks" by coldplay soon hehe. its just such a perfect laid back song.

    I love music.

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