AP Edition Poster Storage
I’ve recently acquired 3x AP edition posters from PJ recent dark matter tour in Australia.
I was wondering if I could be provided some recommendations for storage of these posters to keep in pristine condition.
edit: Jerry’s has Picturesque brand. Amazon has Stein design. Not the same exact product, sorry!
There are less expensive options available, the Itoya's aren't bad... IMO though, the Baroque is the way to go if you can swing it.
Yeah I have many of those cases from Jerry's Art. When they stopped making them, Baroques came in to save the day. I think a year or so ago Jerry's Art came back and started making them again. Both are great poster presentation cases.
Song Wishlist: Oceans, Brother, Alone, Let Me Sleep, full W.M.A., Hold On, Bugs/all of Vitalogy, Gremmie Out Of Control (BAM!), Mankind, Around The Bend (full band), Whale Song (DOUBLE BAM!), The Long Road, Don't Gimme No Lip, Pilate, Push Me Pull Me, All Those Yesterdays, Rival, Parting Ways, Ghost, Bu$hleaguer, WWS, Parachutes, Army Reserve, low octave Driftin', Strangest Tribe, Other Side, Undone, Fatal, Hitchhiker, Education, Black Red Yellow, Of the Earth, Love Reign O'er Me, Gonna See My Friend, Amongst the Waves, Santa Cruz, Infallible, Yellow Moon, Alright, Comes Then Goes, Got to Give, and the Mamasan Trilogy.
Chicago 1 (August 20, 2016)
Chicago 2 (August 22, 2016)
Ft. Worth 1 (September 13, 2023)
Ft. Worth 2 (September 15, 2023)