Older bootleg coupon codes
I've been slack and have a bunch of my 10c bootleg codes to use.. the ones from 2015-2019 are the old 6 letter format. I bought a digital bootleg from the 10c store the other night and it didn't accept the old code, despite it showing as valid on my account page. I ended up using my 2020 code, which is the current format, and it worked fine.
Does anyone know what the deal is? should these codes be working? is there someway or someone who can convert these and issue new ones?
I noticed all the current codes use the same format, "ambd-<my unique identifier>-<year>". Perhaps I could try making my own code and just append 2015, ect?
I have a bunch of them as well.
9/02/18 Boston, 9/04/18 Boston, 9/11/22 New York, 9/16/22 Nashville, 9/22/22 Denver, 8/31/23, St. Paul, 9/2/23 St. Paul, 9/18/23 Austin, 9/19/23 Austin