
Naked JohnNaked John Posts: 349
edited February 6 in Lost Dogs
Post edited by Naked John on


  • JS160349JS160349 Posts: 113
    Requesting pics, please
    Joey Stephan
  • TTT! Now $265 shipped! Cleaning flat files.
  • pawlowski1097pawlowski1097 Philadelphia, PA Posts: 602
    edited December 2024
    Post edited by pawlowski1097 on
  • JS160349JS160349 Posts: 113
    Why not?
    Joey Stephan
  • pawlowski1097pawlowski1097 Philadelphia, PA Posts: 602

  • pawlowski1097pawlowski1097 Philadelphia, PA Posts: 602
    Search his name 
  • JS160349JS160349 Posts: 113
    Well, that's disconcerting...........Naked John, any rebuttal?
    Joey Stephan
  • pawlowski1097pawlowski1097 Philadelphia, PA Posts: 602
    edited December 2024
    He has presented his case. 
    Post edited by pawlowski1097 on
  • pawlowski1097pawlowski1097 Philadelphia, PA Posts: 602
    I’ve never bought from him, a friend of mine was going too and I researched him. Also asked him for more info on that and he just ghosted everything and never said anything which makes it even more suspicious. 
  • darwinstheorydarwinstheory LaPorte, IN Posts: 6,737
    Good info, thanks for relaying @pawlowski1097
    "A smart monkey doesn't monkey around with another monkey's monkey" - Darwin's Theory
  • on2legson2legs Posts: 15,437
    It would be helpful if Naked John would respond. Especially if he’s going to continue to be active on Lost Dogs.  Appreciate the heads up on this for the future.  
    1996: Randall's Island 2  1998: East Rutherford | MSG 1 & 2  2000: Cincinnati | Columbus | Jones Beach 1, 2, & 3 | Boston 1 | Camden 1 & 2 2003: Philadelphia | Uniondale | MSG 1 & 2 | Holmdel  2005: Atlantic City 1  2006: Camden 1 | East Rutherford 1 & 2 2008: Camden 1 & 2 | MSG 1 & 2 | Newark (EV)  2009: Philadelphia 1, 2 & 4  2010: Newark | MSG 1 & 2  2011: Toronto 1  2013: Wrigley Field | Brooklyn 2 | Philadelphia 1 & 2 | Baltimore  2015: Central Park  2016: Philadelphia 1 & 2 | MSG 1 & 2 | Fenway Park 2 | MSG (TOTD)  2017: Brooklyn (RnR HOF)  2020: MSG | Asbury Park  2021: Asbury Park  2022: MSG | Camden | Nashville  2024: MSG 1 & 2 (#50) | Philadelphia 1 & 2 | Baltimore  2025: Raleigh

  • pawlowski1097pawlowski1097 Philadelphia, PA Posts: 602
    That’s she weirdest part, he continues to try and sell. My boy was going to buy from him like a year ago. If you don’t research him you can easily get beat. 
  • pawlowski1097pawlowski1097 Philadelphia, PA Posts: 602
    I also commented on last thread about him, don’t know how to tag that thread to this 
  • JS160349JS160349 Posts: 113
    So odd..........who has the time to play games?
    Joey Stephan
  • This is going to stop. Now.

  • pawlowski1097pawlowski1097 Philadelphia, PA Posts: 602
    You pm me, search your own name and explain your own reputation to the threads out about you. 
  • Karma is a beeeyotch 

  • I just looked up my messages from way back in 2009 and 2010. I found correspondence between EVEDDER10. This was the first and only attempt at a trade of a single poster with anyone at anytime anywhere to this day. I may bring out the actual messages but I may just send them to directly to people I trust and respect to comb through rather than have a long trail of searchable documents.

    I wanted to acquire a Washington DC 2006 poster that EVEDDER10 offered for trade. 
    He told me he had a mint four corner sharp beauty to send me and was looking for one of a few possibilities that I in fact had in absolute mint condition. 

    The trade was going to occur in Dec 2009  and did not begin to occur until Jan 2010. 
    The first tube arrived without any poster at all. He had messaged me and said his 5 year old found the poster and told him. Then he was going to send it out. 
    Then I received it and now this is key! It was as far from mint as one could imagine, if you have ever owned Brad Klausen black ink prints.
    This poster was obviously rolled multiple times and scraped, destroying the image and creating all of the scratches making this unacceptable.
    I have almost every PJ Brad Klausen poster from 2004 through 2010. 

    I still do not have a copy of the 2006 Washington DC or the 2009 Cloak and Veil print because you would have to have acquired it from Artillery Design (Brad) directly or never have a mint copy. The 2008 Eddie Vedder Solo Black prints are the best example of what can go wrong with having the D&L Screenprinters doing their best work. The large empty black space easily scratches and almost all posters will scratch if you are not careful when you attempt to roll or even more, unroll the poster.
    Snap back is the worst enemy of a poster collector. A tightly rolled poster could "snap back" and dig into the poster and create a visible scratch. I always have my weights ready and gloves on when opening a print. You also should not be continually rolling and unrolling posters.

    There are a few good souls on here I know well for a very long time that still post constantly. I lurk.

    So I have decided to give a bit of the conversation in messages so there is a viewpoint that can be obtained. I know where he lives. The trader knows where I live and has my telephone number. We live relatively close to each other, if the address I have is still valid.

    Here is the mid-point of the conversation. This should have signaled to me a possible problem was on the other side of this trade.

      • been tied up at work poster wont go out till tommorrow. Sorry for delay
      • EVEDDER10EVEDDER10 January 2010
        poster wrapped and ready to go. Will mail on way home from work. Will send confirmation number enjoy!
      • EVEDDER10EVEDDER10 January 2010
        us postal service 0309 1830 0001 2619 7255

        let me know whenyou get it
      • EVEDDER10EVEDDER10 January 2010
        In what truly is amazing you are going to receive a empty poster tube. I forgot to put the poster in the tube I will send it out monday with new tracking and feel free to reuse the empty tube to send mine back. My 5 year old son asked me found it in my office.
        Thanks Tyler
      • EVEDDER10EVEDDER10 January 2010
        Multiple attempts to contact you and no response. I havent received my poster from you yet and you have to understand what this looks like. Please contact me asap

    I sent back the 2006 Washington DC after I informed him by phone that I took photos and I believed we had fundamental differences in what Mint means. I never approved the trade as the person claims, for the exclusive reason that the poster was in now way close to Mint or even Excellent. Tyler was very upset that I would not be accepting a trade with his poster...When I finally did open a tube sent from him that actually had a poster to evaluate for trade. 

    Due to this experience, I have never attempted a trade again with anyone again after this debacle.

    You do see that there is never any comment about me or any further detail concerning this attempted trade. Not another word about how this person received their poster in the mail. 

    My name and some address were posted. 
    I am still using this website and forums.

    I exclusively use Ebeans, PayPal and I have tried sales recently on Lost Dogs yet most people own the posters they need so I have not gone through with anything. 
    Your name is everything here ... 

    There are a few good souls on here I know well for a very long time that still post constantly. 

    I have done some purchasing and can vouch for some others. 

    Please name search EVEDDER10. And his 12 posts. Call him. He definitely cares about the value of a poster despite his "BeWare" post.

    Any questions, just ask.  And I have never changed my name...or address or phone number.
    I'm Still Here. 

  • pawlowski1097pawlowski1097 Philadelphia, PA Posts: 602
    For the record we did ask. 
  • JS160349JS160349 Posts: 113
    That is quite a response.......
    Joey Stephan
  • pawlowski1097pawlowski1097 Philadelphia, PA Posts: 602
    Naked John makes valid points. Wish he would have seen the thread or did this earlier. I was only trying to protect others in thread with my comments against him. 
  • JS160349JS160349 Posts: 113
    So..........was it much ado about nothing.......?
    Joey Stephan
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