Hate My Car
Bumfuq, MT Posts: 6,395
Goddam piece of crap... stupid power windows malfunctioning, needs parts... won't close... goddam parts and labor will put me back $200. Guess the Keeley's will have to wait a few months. Goddamn it! I feel like I need to smash some shit.
...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Clueless people... fortunately for them, eBay bidders know the value of original blonde Bassman amps. Of course, they still just took it cold and plugged it in, turned it on without a speaker load... probably cranked the volume knobs up and down a few times, blew a tube filament or two.
Oh, and the Marshall 4 x 10" came in today... wasn't expecting it until next week, so it was a pleasant surprise. It sounds great! A little buzz in one speaker, but I'm going to open it up tonight and take a look at the guts. Should be interesting. Unfortunately, after I plugged in and turned on, I started to notice my preamp tube 'singing' on my distortion channel, so I guess I'll have to go pick up a replacement. That's probably a good thing, though, cause I wanted to replace the Groove Tube with an Electro-Harmonix.
Still, I was so stoked about picking up those Keeley Tube Screamers...