Fenway tickets I can't use...

Jason727Jason727 Massachusetts Posts: 19
Unfortunately, I am unable to use a pair of tickets I have for Fenway N1 due to my dog having a serious illness. It sucks not being able to go but being with my dog is more important than a concert. I have the tickets in the MLB ballpark app, but as we all know I am not allowed to transfer or sell the tickets. They are 7th row grandstand seats I got through Ten Club, so not the best, but I also hate to be out $350, which is rubbing salt in the wound. Is the only way to sell them to post on Stubhub and then somehow get in touch with the buyer and give them access to my ballpark app login? Is that even possible to do through Stubhub? FYI - I am not looking to make money on this and would gladly sell for much less than face value.


  • penny lane2penny lane2 Illinois Posts: 84
    I’m in the same position. I have turf tickets but have been dealing with a lingering illness and now not able to travel. I was counting on fan to fan being an option up until the date as it always has been. 
    It’s too bad as MLB app is set up to allow sell or transfer but tenclub isn’t allowing that. Probably my last fanclub ticket as I’ll take a risk and buy secondary on my own terms next time with complete ownership to sell. 
    "If I knew where it was I would take you there...."
  • SHZASHZA St. Louis, MO USA Posts: 4,145
    I'm not sure stubhub would allow you to do a sale that way but you could arrange something like that here on the forum 
  • Jason727Jason727 Massachusetts Posts: 19
    I’m in the same position. I have turf tickets but have been dealing with a lingering illness and now not able to travel. I was counting on fan to fan being an option up until the date as it always has been. 
    It’s too bad as MLB app is set up to allow sell or transfer but tenclub isn’t allowing that. Probably my last fanclub ticket as I’ll take a risk and buy secondary on my own terms next time with complete ownership to sell. 
    Yeah, I hear you. I understand why artists set it up this way, but unfortunately scalpers have ways of getting around the restrictions and are always one step ahead it seems. I don't understand why the need to shut down fan to fan 10 days prior to a show. It's within that 10 day window where most unforeseen things come up.
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