Saw a pretty good show last night...

Jimmie Vaughan (older brother of the late Stevie Ray) and his band. It was pretty cool... older drummer, a really old guy on B-3 organ (but he was really freaking good) and a back-up guitar player. The B-3 handled bass duties. It was a pretty cool show... Jimmie wasn't really too excited, but the music was tight and real. Jimmie played thru a pair of Matchless 35-watt amps into a 4x10" cabinet each with Celestion ceramic speakers. Velvetty natural overdrive... no pedals... just lotsa gain! Back-up guitar had a really nice Victoria Bassman and a Pro Junior (for stereo tremolo effect). Great group, if they're ever in your area.
The opener was a new group, the Gary Clark Trio (or something like that). Drums, bass, guitar. They were really good, too... channeling some slow Hendrix for a while, maybe. Guitar player had a Vibro King... 3x10" heaven in a box. Again, no FX, just glowing tubes.
Always nice to see people who play good and clean, once in a while... puts me to shame.
The opener was a new group, the Gary Clark Trio (or something like that). Drums, bass, guitar. They were really good, too... channeling some slow Hendrix for a while, maybe. Guitar player had a Vibro King... 3x10" heaven in a box. Again, no FX, just glowing tubes.
Always nice to see people who play good and clean, once in a while... puts me to shame.
...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
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Key description on the entire story is simple set ups are the way to go. Let you fingers do the talking.
I know that I've spent lots of money on effects etc... looking for those perfect tones. Now I'm just running my guitar thru a low wattage tube amp, and my bass thru a 100 watt tube head (need the stage volume of course). Thats all, let the moment do the rest.
but effects aren't exactly suited to that style of music most of the time anyway so simple is the best way to go.