Fave value exchange google wallet problem?

Hi. I just bought a ticket for face value exchange.( sucks I didn't see lmt view AND No screen but that's not my problem) problem is I can't d/l ticket to wallet and I don't have bar code. Error message says my ticket belongs to another user.  So I called TM and they said that the original seller probably has it in their wallet????? Like why have it in your wallet if your selling? But I cN go to the venue with my receipt, my ID and the card I uses if I still can't download the ticket to my wallet when I get there. Anyone have a problem with this before? Cos my stomach is on knots until I get IN to MSG tonight. ( i spent the entire day getting my classroom ready taking a break every 10 mins A
LL day. to check my TM to get a ticket! Finally get one when I get home an hour ago and this happens!) I'm hoping someone knows anything g about this situation and got in?  Thanks! 


  • battle1battle1 PHI Posts: 440
    can you see the ticket in your account using the browser?  Use that, fuck the wallet.  
  • No. It's a screen shot I think. Not thst ticket thing. I csnt remember the name of it 
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