Acoustic Porch!

Where can I get the tab for Ed's solo performance of Porch. Cant seem to figure it out. Or can some one post it. Thanks. Later
"Ill ride the wave where it takes me"-Ed Vedder
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for all pj gutiar tablature...
I could have sworn he played it acoustic too. Does anyone know what the chords are he is playing during the solo?
and he also played it acoustic as a preset in LA 2006.
no tabs for it, but ive figured it out myself very easily from the normal tabs and just thrashing heavily at points
im not a great guitar player, if i can do it you can do it !!
Reading 2006 - WOOOOW!!!!!
Paris 2006 - Fucking amazing
Wembley 2007
Basically playing (all on the A string).... 0 0 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 0 0....except when playing '0s' this is actually a full A chord.
then you just use G chord, A chord, A# sharp chord....
solo - i stole the one from unplugged and use it....its still the best.
hope this helps just a little.